Through this new channel, we will talk in a relaxed way about vocational training and all the novelties that surround it, as well as the content of relevance and current affairs, giving voice to the different actors that are part of the Vocational Training ecosystem.

Ara FP” will be a space where the latest trends in vocational training will be discussed, practical advice will be shared, and inspiring experiences will be uncovered…
The aim is to foster a dynamic and enriching dialogue that not only benefits current students, but also those who are considering vocational training as an educational option, or anyone who wants to learn and enrich their knowledge.

From issues related to the new VET law to professional experiences, we will explore all aspects of this educational modality.

With the launch of “Ara FP”, we reaffirm our commitment to promoting vocational training and to making this option more accessible and recognized for all. Don’t miss this new adventure, be prepared to explore the future of learning with “Ara FP“!