The association of European cities Xarxa FP was one of the first institutions in Europe to offer internationalization opportunities to students, graduates, teachers, and vocational training centers. Since 1999, through Xarxa FP, of which 40 cities from 15 European states are part, more than 11,000 international mobility programs have been managed by young VET students.

This past Wednesday, March 13, in the Saló de Cent, the 25th anniversary of the Xarxa FP has been celebrated. María Gómez Ortueta, director of the Professional Training Unit of the Spanish Service for the Internationalization of Education (SEPIE) spoke about the future of the internationalization of Vocational Training. The event continued with a round table on Erasmus experiences with Philippe Marchal, director of European affairs of the Toulouse City Council; Montse Blanes, director of the Institut FP Sanitària Barcelona; Raquel Silipú, student of the Institut Escola d’Hosteleria i Turisme de Barcelona, and Randi Hagner, student of the Fremdspracheninstitut of Landerhauptstadt München.

Currently, Xarxa FP is one of the few institutions that carry out international mobility projects for people of all educational levels, including students of intermediate and higher level training cycles, vocational training teachers, graduates in vocational training in unemployed situations, and is one of the few state and European institutions that manages international mobility for young students of training and insertion programs (PFI) making internationalization reach all educational levels.

With the 25th anniversary of Xarxa FP, the importance and experience of the institution in promoting international mobility and promoting cooperation between European cities is highlighted. Xarxa FP continues to be a fundamental pillar for the personal and professional growth of students, teachers, and vocational training professionals throughout the continent.