The Foundation, and within the framework of the VET and Industrial construction Table 4.0, we have organised a conference with the Industrialized Construction Cluster of Catalonia (CCiC) and the “Escola del Treball”, aimed at the teachers of centers and entities that provide VET of Construction and Civil Works, Wood, Installations, Electricity, Mechanics and Design.

The conference took place on Thursday 29 from 10 to 12 in the Carmelo Gómez conference hall of “L’Institut Escola del Treball” of Barcelona.

The BCN Vocational and Education Training Foundation has proposed the basics of the new Sectoral Study of Sustainable Construction in the AMB VET sector that we are working on from the Observatory. We have also presented the Industrialized Construction Cluster of Catalonia, in charge of Pere Armora, President of CCiC, and Ignasi Pérez Arnal, Vice-President and CEO BIM Academy.