The ID-VET project consortium met in Groningen for a two-day meeting focused on evaluating the progress of the project and discussing key elements such as the quality of student surveys and documentation of the results of Work Package 3.

The meeting, held in Bornholm, began with a welcome session of Noordepoort, followed by an introduction to the objectives and objectives of the project.

During the first day, attendees had the opportunity to tour the facilities. The group also participated in presentations from Denmark, Spain and Romania, shedding light on their recent developments and contributions to the project.

The second day included additional presentations from Estonia and Denmark, focusing on future strategies and the integration of various learning models across the countries involved in the project. The group also participated in a label lunch and a session of the Human Library, which promoted intercultural understanding and the exchange of experiences.

The meeting concluded with a debate and evaluation of the event, with the participants who presented the following steps for the rest of the project activities. The event provided an excellent platform for collaboration and knowledge exchange between European partners, strengthening the overall objectives of the project.

The next ID-VET project meeting will take place in Suaceava, Romania.