On June 20, a group of 12 VET teachers from European partner centers of the Erasmus + KA220 ElectriCars VET Hub, coordinated by Xarxa FP, met virtually to learn about the objectives of the project, the program of activities and weekly visits organized by the Tartu Vocational College reception VET center in Estonia. 

The ElectriCars VET Hub project is based on cooperation between European partners and members of Xarxa FP in Tartu, Rovaniemi, Constanta, Treviso, and Barcelona to detect the needs of the electric and hybrid vehicle sector and jointly develop a virtual pilot course to update content and competencies for VET teachers about the new regulation and safety measures for sustainable vehicles. 

The first training stays for teacher mobility will take place from September 9 to 15 in the city of Tartu (Estonia) and from October 7 to 13 in the city of Constanta (Romania) to know both educational and productive systems of the electric vehicle, and where teachers from the Institut Escola del Treball of Barcelona and the Institut la Guineueta (near the Institute of Security and Mobility of Barcelona) will participate. Later, two additional stays will be carried out in Finland and Italy to develop the foundations of the virtual pilot course.