
VET Prospective General Report

We recently attended the presentation of the General Prospective Report for 2023-2026 by the Catalonia Agency for VET. The report was presented by Fabian Mohedano and serves as a fundamental tool for the planning and development of Vocational Training in Catalonia.

As part of our efforts to contribute to the VET system in the country, our VET Observatory will continue playing a vital role in providing regional insights and support to the system.

International. ERASMUS2024 GENERATION.

Over 120 intermediate and higher-level training cycle students from 59 centers in Barcelona, the metropolitan area of Barcelona, and Mataró have been selected to participate in international internships at companies located in various cities of the Xarxa FP. Congratulations to the students who have been chosen for this opportunity, and to the educational centers that have participated.

New phase of the EU Water Challenge.

Together with Xarxa FP, we are currently in Viborg where the three teams of the EU Water Challenge are working on their prototypes with the help of experts in 3D printing and prototyping, the projects are shaping up to be able to test them.

Visited the Government of Catalonia delegate in Barcelona and participated in the Territorial Table of Vocational Training of the Vegueria of Barcelona.

On February 22, the BCN Vocational Training Foundation participated in a session with social agents and territorial services of Barcelona of the Generalitat de Catalunya. The session focused on the situation of special regime teachings by the Coordinator of Art and Design Schools of Catalonia, as well as the presentation of the Professional and Prospective Training map by the Department of Education. Both topics are particularly important in the territorially agreed planning strategy of the VET training offer in the Vegueria territory.

This participation stems from a visit by the Foundation to the delegate of the Government of the Generalitat of Catalonia in Barcelona, Mr. Joan Borràs i Albaroch. He has identified vocational training as one of the priority areas of work for the delegation and has included the BCN VET Foundation as a participant in the specific group that focuses on vocational training in the Vegueria region of Barcelona.

Xarxa FP: Intercultural Workshop

On February 21st, Xarxa FP conducted the second intercultural workshop of the international project with PFI. The workshop covered conflict resolution, assertive communication, and self-awareness. It was a success!

Creativity workshops and guided tours with the MetropolisFPLab.

The Foundation continues with the 6th edition of the MetropolisFPLab. We have conducted creativity workshops that have helped participants improve their skills, while promoting collaboration and generating innovative ideas. Additionally, participants of the Port de Barcelona challenge have enjoyed a guided tour on a Golondrina, exploring new perspectives and drawing inspiration for their upcoming initiatives.

III VET&Companies Conference. Professional Talent

On February 15th, the BCN VET Foundation participated in the VET and Companies Conference, which was organized by the Department of Education in the Administrative District building of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

During the event, the new VET (Vocational Education and Training) law was discussed, and the new catalogue of Vocational Training services was presented.

Several professional tables were held, including:

  • Board of representatives of employers, trade unions and vocational training: focused on strengthening the link between companies and vocational training.
  • Table of training companies from different sectors: centered on the learner’s role in the company.
  • Table on services in companies: aimed at creating institute-business synergies to improve the employability of students.
  • Table on innovation services in companies: focused on applied innovation, starting from organizational aspects.

The Department of Education’s representatives concluded the conference.

Recognition for the Best Innovative Vocational Training Projects in 2024-Advanced Factories

The BCN VET Foundation participates in the organization of the Advanced Factories Awards for the Most Innovative Vocational Training Projects.

These are the criteria that must be met in order to participate:

  1. Leader Institution in their territory in Dual Vocational Training programs focused on industrial cycles.
  2. Promoting industrial vocational training among women to ensure gender diversity in the sector.
  3. Projects that aim to support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in the industrial sector.

If you wish to participate, please fill out the registration form before March 27, 2024.

The three winning centers will be announced on Thursday, April 11, 2024, at the Talent Marketplace of Advanced Factories.

Submitting an application is an excellent opportunity for schools to acknowledge their work and bring their students closer to the most innovative companies in industrial automation, robotics, and industry 4.0.

Palau Vincles Training Capsules

The BCN VET Foundation collaborates every year in the orientation of young people who participate in the Training Capsules of the Palau Vincles social project of the Palau de la Música.

The Palau Vincles promotes projects and initiatives that aim to promote inclusion and social integration through music.

This year, three training capsules were offered for free during February: Scenotechnics, Audiovisual Production, and Video Game Programming. These were taught by companies and professionals linked to the Palau de la Música.

It is a pilot project aimed at young people from 14 to 18 years old, designed to introduce them to vocational training studies. They can explore crafts from the artistic and technical disciplines that coexist in the Palau de la Música Catalana.

It is an excellent project that offers opportunities for young people to find their way to training and employment.