
Advanced Factories 2024

The Foundation recently participated in the 8th edition of Advanced Factories from April 9th to 11th, 2024 at Fira Barcelona Gran Via. This event is recognized as the largest robotics and industrial automation fair in southern Europe. This year’s focus was on Artificial Intelligence and Greentech.

One of the highlights of the event was the Awards for innovative VET projects, which aim to promote innovation in industrial automation and Industry 4.0. The awards recognize VET centres that develop industrial talent.

During the Talent Marketplace on Thursday, April 11th at 4:30 p.m., students presented their excellent projects. This year the winning centres were:

  • Escola del Treball from Barcelona
  • Institute of Vic

On the same day, the Foundation collaborated with Eurecat, BitMetrics, Girbau, and Suris, moderated by Barcelona Activa, in the sectorial and networking day called “Working Panorama of the sector”.

FP Consolida: Startup Pitch

On April 11th, we organized a #StartupPitch event at INS Provençana in collaboration with Netmentora. The event was an enriching experience that provided a platform for various talented and creative individuals to showcase their ideas. It brought together 5 startups from diverse sectors, all aspiring to be a part of the bootcamp phase of the Netmentora network. We congratulate all the participating startups and wish them the best of luck.

During the event, we showcased the activities carried out by our foundation, with a particular focus on the FP Emprèn and FP Consolida awards. Towards the end of the event, we had the opportunity to visit the business nursery, which won the 2023 FP Cosolida Award. This nursery is part of the Blue Container project, where the company Blue Container Project is situated. The latter was created by students from Provençana who were winners of the Metropolis FP Lab Arquima challenge.

Practical Guide for an Effective Board of Trustees, leading foundations in the 21st century.

A ‘Practical Guide for an Effective Board of Trustees, leading foundations in the 21st century’ was presented on April 10 at the auditorium of La Pedrera. The guide was developed by the Catalan Coordinator of Foundations, of which we are a member. It is a helpful publication that tackles important issues affecting over 2,000 active foundations in the country, focusing on governance and the legal responsibilities that come with being a patron.

Meeting of the Foundation Board of Trustees

On April 8th, the Foundation Board of Trustees held a meeting at the assembly hall of the IMEB. The main item on the agenda was the unanimous approval of the 2023 annual accounts. During the session, the Board reviewed the first quarter of 2024 and engaged in a discussion on the current state of vocational training, particularly with regards to dual vocational training. The new VET law requires dual vocational training to be extended to all VET, and this was a topic of significant discussion. Additionally, the Board also discussed the logistics involved with international mobility.

REBUILD Expo & Congress 2024

The BCN FP Foundation, together with Barcelona Activa, participated on March 20 and 21 in the REBUILD Expo & Congress in Madrid, the benchmark event for industrialized construction, digitalization, and sustainability.
On Thursday 21st, the Talent Marketplace took place in the Auditorium of Pavilion 7 where seven talks were held to address the new professional profiles of the sector and the necessary talent, as well as to present the new EyOCnet teaching network, the new VET law, innovative projects, and strategies and training.
Intervening in the different tables centers of VET Barcelona (Escola del Treball) and AMB (Institut Provençana), Fundació BCN FP and Barcelona Activa, where the results of the study Sustainable Construction in terms of VET promoted by Barcelona Activa are presented.
Rebuild students from these centers also visit, who can take technological and teaching tours of EADS La Llotja in Barcelona and the Miquel Martí i Pol Institute in Cornellà de Llobregat.
The transformation of the building needs to have qualified professionals, and new training that the initial and occupational VET will have to adopt to respond to Construction 4.0.

We premiere Pòdcast at the BCN FP Foundation: we present “ARA FP”.

Through this new channel, we will talk in a relaxed way about vocational training and all the novelties that surround it, as well as the content of relevance and current affairs, giving voice to the different actors that are part of the Vocational Training ecosystem.

Ara FP” will be a space where the latest trends in vocational training will be discussed, practical advice will be shared, and inspiring experiences will be uncovered…
The aim is to foster a dynamic and enriching dialogue that not only benefits current students, but also those who are considering vocational training as an educational option, or anyone who wants to learn and enrich their knowledge.

From issues related to the new VET law to professional experiences, we will explore all aspects of this educational modality.

With the launch of “Ara FP”, we reaffirm our commitment to promoting vocational training and to making this option more accessible and recognized for all. Don’t miss this new adventure, be prepared to explore the future of learning with “Ara FP“!

“Lifelong learning in Catalunya: from a shared challenge to a joint strategy”

On March 20, at the headquarters of the Palau Macaya of the La Caixa Foundation, the X Seminar Catalunya Futura on lifelong learning was held, organized by the Knowledge and Territory Platform and the Catalan Association of Public Universities.  The objective was to contribute to Catalunya making a firm commitment to lifelong learning, understanding it as a key element, not only for the professional requalification of workers in the face of the needs derived from technological change and the transition to a knowledge economy but also for the education of critical and responsible citizenship, committed to the environment.

The seminar was attended by representatives of the institutions involved in the development of lifelong learning in the higher education sector in Catalunya, as well as top-level experts from the international sphere who will promote the exchange of experiences and good practices. VET played a significant role in it.

New section FP, woman and Steam

This month the newsletter brings many new features! Once again we continue to premiere, this time with a fixed section in the same newsletter dedicated to women, VET, ICT, and STEAM. Every month you will find news related to this triangle.
The first section is from 8 March, and the winners of the Dona TIC 2023 prize in the VET category.
We presented you to Emma Casadevall, who explained in the interview the need for female references for young girls so that they are interested in the sector and above all they are willing to join it to collectively reduce the gender gap.
We have also known the story of Yolanda Moreno, winner of the special mention DONATIC 2023 category FP. Yolanda tells us how she realized that her path was another of what she was atomizing through university and thanks to VET.

Presentation of the study on labour market insertion for professional education 2023

On March 19th we attended, at the Llotja de Mar, the presentation of the study “The labor market insertion of professional studies 2023”.

Professional training continues to be one of the training routes that guarantee a better job placement, according to the study data, which has already reached the seventeenth edition. It gathers that the rate of employment of graduates in VET has increased for the third consecutive year and stands at 54.49%. In 2021 this rate reached 45.32%, while in 2022 it was 52.05%.

The Minister of Education, Anna Simó, the Minister of Business and Labour, Roger Torrent, and the president of the General Council of Chambers of Catalonia, Josep Santacreu, presented the main conclusions of the report. The general director of VET, Mercè Chacón, commented on the most relevant data of the study, and the director of the Chamber Council, Narcís Bosch, spoke about the role of companies.

The study also analyses the employment outcomes of graduates in Dual Vocational Training. In this case, the percentage reaches 66.29%, almost 5 points higher than the previous survey.

Study of the labor market insertion of professional studies 2023

Visits to companies with the MetropolisFPLab

We visit with the students participating in the MetropolisFPLab and the different companies and institutions that take on the challenges of the project. To develop a good prototype, we have to know from the inside how organizations operate, to finish making grounded and well-focused proposals.