
1st session of the Working Group on Dual VET with the Barcelona City Council

On January 18th of 2024, at 4 p.m. in the annexed room Lluís Companys of the Barcelona City Council, the first session of the Dual Vocational Training Working Group, of the Municipal Council of Vocational Training of Barcelona (CMFPB) was held.

In this first session, the BCN VET Foundation gave a presentation on the novelties of the new regulatory framework of dual VET: Organic Law 3/2022, on the organisation and integration of Vocational Training and the decree derived from it, and a presentation of the Dual VET project at the Barcelona City Council.

The working group will meet in four sessions a year, this first meeting was about making an approach to the subject with the aim of establishing a shared diagnosis and identification of possible challenges and changes to be achieved.

1st international meeting of the Erasmus KA2 project “Electric Cars VET hub”

On January 18th, in collaboration with centers from other countries such as Finland, Italy, Romania and Estonia, the Lepido Rocco Foundation in Treviso hosted the first international meeting of the Erasmus KA2 project “Electric Cars VET hub”. Xarxa FP promotes this initiative, and the VET Observatory of the BCN VET Foundation is in charge of providing the methodology and fieldwork necessary to identify skill needs and talent in the electric vehicle sector in these countries.

The aim of the project is to develop a specific course to train and update teachers in this field, including a test phase by VET teachers from the participating countries.

Highlighting our projects with the collaboration of the IP through multimedia content and real and successful stories

Strengthening our digital presence, we have created a TikTok in collaboration with the Provençana Institute, highlighting entrepreneurs with innovative projects. Two of them have won awards at the MetròpolisFPLab, while other projects such as FPConsolida and FPEmprèn are also highlighted. In addition, we have shared a video on YouTube with exemplary teachers who have shown us their innovative initiatives in the IP. If you want to know more and discover successful stories, do not hesitate to explore our social media and subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Mobility in Germany: Selection phase of the Singular Compeuropa project ’24

The Singular Compeuropa ’24 project has successfully started the selection phase for the new participants. During the coming months of February and March, candidates will have the opportunity to conduct interviews with various German companies. Those who are selected will be prepared to embark on this opportunity, with the project planned to start in mid-April.

Interview with Sara Berbel, Executive President of the Board of Trustees of the BCN VET Foundation

We are pleased to share with you an exclusive interview with Sara Berbel, executive president of the Foundation’s Board of Trustees. Through the interview, she questions the traditional role of “strong men”, and welcomes shared directions.

Discover their reflections by visiting the following link:

Sara Berbel: “El colideratge no és ben vist en els sectors més poderosos” (

Project for VET Innovation: The Maintenance and Improvement Program in Oral Health for the Elderly

The students enrolled in the advanced training courses (CFGS) of oral hygiene at Túrbula School participate in internships that provide them with a real-world experience. These internships are carried out in real-life situations and aim to treat individuals who are at risk of social exclusion. By taking part in such practices, the students get actively involved in actions that have a significant social impact.

Starting in the 2022-23 academic year, a new program called “The Maintenance and Improvement Program in Oral Health for the Elderly” has been launched. The program is a collaboration between the Catalan Institute of Health and Social Services of Catalonia, and aims to enhance the oral health of elderly individuals.

TLN Mobilicat

The group of young people participating in the 6th edition of the TLN Mobilicat Eurocupació project have returned to Catalonia after spending 2 months abroad doing a professional internship program. During a group session, we evaluated the project’s impact and identified the lessons learned.

The project aimed to improve the employability of 18 vocational training graduates by providing them with 160 hours of language training, pedagogical and intercultural preparation, academic and work orientation sessions, and an 8-week professional internship program abroad. This year, the participating young people were placed in Espoo (Finland), Treviso (Italy), and Viborg (Denmark), the cities of the Xarxa FP.

The TLN Mobilicat Eurocupació project was subsidized by the Public Employment Service of Catalonia and co-financed by the European Social Fund.

Board of Trustees meeting

On December 18th, the Board of Trustees of the BCN VET Foundation held a meeting that was attended by some new participants. During the meeting, the executive president reviewed the year 2023 and confirmed that the proposed objectives were achieved, and that the period of limited mobility due to COVID had ended.

One of the speakers highlighted the challenges that vocational training faces in ensuring quality employment. To address these challenges, she requested collaboration from all members so that the Foundation and the Xarxa FP can serve as a bridge between vocational training and the labor market. After a productive debate, the budget and strategic plans for 2024 were approved.

Presentation Ceremony for FPemprèn and FPconsolida Awards

On December 15th, a session aimed at EIE teachers and other entrepreneurship-related modules interested in participating in the new call for FPemprèn and FPconsolida Awards was held at the Cercle d’Economia.

The session was opened by Mr. Miquel Nadal, CEO of Cercle d’Economia. During the session, attendees were presented with the new call for the FPemprèn Awards and had any doubts about the bases resolved. Alejandro Ribó, the CEO of Netmentora Catalunya, explained the FPconsolida award, which is carried out in collaboration with the BCN VET Foundation and the Department of Education. Finally, a training workshop was conducted by Juan Álvarez de Lara from Seed&Click, where he shared dynamics and good practices to encourage and enhance the development of business ideas in the classroom by students.

AMB Logistics Training and Employment Table sharing the results of the Erasmus KA2 Logistics VET HUB project

On Thursday, December 14th, 2023, the AMB Logistics Training and Employment Table was held. The event was co-led by the BCN VET Foundation, AMB, and the Barcelona-Catalunya Logistic Center. Several topics were addressed during the meeting, including the presentation of the main results of the study titled “The Current State and Future Scenario of Logistics and VET in Europe“. The study was prepared jointly with Xarxa FP and covered the context of eight European regions in terms of the generation, attraction, and retention of logistical talent.

Downloadable materials in the following link: