
Visit PRUB and Propotypes – Sectoral Table FP&Construction 4.0

On Friday, September 13, we organized, for the VET centers of Bcn and AMB and members of the Table, a guided tour to know the Urban Regeneration Program (PRUB) of the Municipal Institute of Urbanism of the City of Barcelona. This programme deploys a global, unitary and multidisciplinary strategy of actions on vulnerable urban buildings and fabrics in situations of inadequacy or degradation, a step forward is being taken to create comprehensive solutions to promote rehabilitation through sustainable and innovative construction systems.

We were also able to visit the three prototypes of industrialized construction (Aligra, Regenar Barcelona and InnoFab) that are being tested on a plot of the Diagonal-Besòs Campus of the UPC. They are the three winning proposals of the challenge launched in 2022 by the BIT Habitat Foundation and the Municipal Institute of Urbanism to look for innovative solutions for the rehabilitation of housing buildings.

Through these industrialised construction prototypes, the comfort, habitability conditions and sustainability of current buildings can be improved, which will allow reducing CO2 emissions and energy consumption. In addition, construction models are low-emission and with limited costs to allow a high volume of housing to regenerate in the coming decades and thus influence the decarbonization commitments of the city of Barcelona within the framework of the climate mission.

Connecting FP and Construction 4.0 trends is one of the challenges of the Table to train the best VET talent.

For more information: Sustainable Construction in terms of VET.


The BCN Vocational Training Foundation is a bridge between the educational field and the economic and social environment, in these links you can find the new organigrams of the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training and of Business and Labour.


Measurement plan: Graphical Via Project

The Via Gràfica project consists of the creation of an event promoted by IFP Antoni Algueró that brings together three groups: school, business and local institutions, in an act to promote talent. In this way, face-to-face and direct contact between people from the world of graphic arts will allow to generate synergies and opportunities, both for companies and for the students of the center that ends a training stage.

General report on FP Prospective

We attended the presentation of the General Prospective Report 2023-2026 of the FP Catalunya Agency, presented by Fabian Mohedano. 

A basic tool for the prospective and prospective of Vocational Training in Catalonia. From our VET Observatory, we want to continue contributing, with territorial key, to the country’s VET system.

“Talent Professional” conference to promote training in Barcelona

On Friday 28 June at 09.15 am, the AMB will hold the “Professional Talent” conference to promote talent and publicize the projects in collaboration with the BCN Vocational Training Foundation. It will have the participation of the General Directorate of Vocational Training, the Public Agency for Vocational Training and Qualification, and the Directorate of Active Employment Policies of the SOC.

Registrations are made through this link.

We would like to have your participation to know the lines and jointly assess the contributions and their interest.

The Sociocultural Activities of June of Singulars

The participants of the Singular Project have done a series of activities during June.
First of all, they contributed their reflections with care and advice services on drug use, the use of screens, and other risky behaviors in the prevention program “Let’s Chat!”
The following week, they went to DFactory Barcelona to meet the companies Leitat, Tetravol SL, and 5Skill Solutions. It was a day full of innovation and learning!
On Friday 7, we organized a visit to the Municipal Institute of Education of Barcelona for young people who graduated from the CFGS in Early Childhood Education, where they were able to solve all their doubts.
The following week they went out to visit the most emblematic places of the Poblenou neighborhood with about thirty users of the Pere Relats Foundation residence.
Next Friday they took a plogging walk, through various parks on Montjuïc, enjoying its beauty, and collecting the garbage that we were finding along the way, keeping Barcelona clean and caring for nature.
We have also learned to dance popular dances and we were taught La Casa dels Entremes, last but not least, we have participated in one of the rehearsals of the Castellers de la Vila de Gràcia.

Training stays for teachers and management teams of vocational training

During May and June, two training stays were carried out in Estonia and Germany thanks to the Erasmus programs coordinated by the BCN Vocational Training Foundation.

First, 20 members of the management teams of vocational training centers in Barcelona and its metropolitan area have spent a stay in the city of Tartu to know first-hand how one of the professional training centers of European excellence is managed and organized, such as the Tartu Rakenduslik Kolledž VOCO ( 

Anmateix, the delegation of vocational training centers was also received by the deputy mayor of Tartu, by the companies Toyota and A. Le Coq Brewery, and by the professional training center specialized in health Tartu Health Care College ( Finally, the delegation was also able to visit the organization of Tartu as the capital of European culture in 2024 (

Secondly, 15 members of training centers in the field of intelligent and advanced industry were able to carry out a training stay in Hanover coordinated by the Industrie- und Handelskammer – IHK Hannover (Cambra de Comerç de Hannover) to know how industrial professional training is adapting to changes in the sector and how Germany tries to attract talent to professionalizing industrial studies. 

During the stay, the Befrufsbilden Industrial Vocational Training Centre was visited by Schulen Neustadt a. Rbge. ( and the electronic and industrial production companies Clarios ( and Sennheiser ( Finally, the delegation was able to visit the Ideen Expo (,

one of the European events of reference in the capture and promotion of industrial vocations in Europe. 

It should be noted that more than 30 centers were able to participate in the training stays: Institute of Audiovisual Media EMAV, Food Institute of Barcelona, Institut Escola d’Hoteleria i Turisme de Barcelona, Institut Pedraforca, Escola Massana, Centre d’Art i Disseny, Fundació Sagrat Cor Sarrià, Institut Joan Brossa, Institut Escola del Treball, Institut Salvador Seguí, Institució Cultural del CIC – Fundació Privada, Institut Francesc Ferrer i Guàrdia Badalona, Institut Alexandre Mussa.

We win the Alianza Award in the “organization” category

The BCN Vocational Training Foundation has received the Alianza Award for Dual Vocational Training, convened by the Bertelsmann Foundation and the CEOE, in the category “organization” by the Dual VET Project at the Barcelona City Council.

We manage the dual VET project of the Barcelona City Council with:

  • Elevated investment (7.3M€)
  • Dimension and impact (+ 2,300 apprentices in 10 years, each year it incorporates about 300 students in Dual)
  • Bet and consolidation (+ 10 years)
  • Leadership in the implementation of Dual in the public administration.
  • Reproducibility in more than 149 municipalities in Catalonia.
  • Involvement in a multitude of areas, services, and institutes of the city council, as well as with different organizations of the municipal scope.

The Gala of the VIII Awards Alianza para FP Dual Training was held in Madrid on June 20, and Neus Pons, director-manager of the BCN VET Foundation, and Javier Pascual, responsible for the Management of People, Organization, and Electronic Administration of the Barcelona City Council, received the award.

The Award aims to recognize the commitment of VET in Spain to give visibility to the good practices and agents involved, and also raise awareness in the educational centers, organizations, and society in general of the need to promote a great Dual VET.

Thank you very much to everyone who made it possible!

Preparatory meeting of the training stays for European teachers in Estonia and Romania

On June 20, a group of 12 VET teachers from European partner centers of the Erasmus + KA220 ElectriCars VET Hub, coordinated by Xarxa FP, met virtually to learn about the objectives of the project, the program of activities and weekly visits organized by the Tartu Vocational College reception VET center in Estonia. 

The ElectriCars VET Hub project is based on cooperation between European partners and members of Xarxa FP in Tartu, Rovaniemi, Constanta, Treviso, and Barcelona to detect the needs of the electric and hybrid vehicle sector and jointly develop a virtual pilot course to update content and competencies for VET teachers about the new regulation and safety measures for sustainable vehicles. 

The first training stays for teacher mobility will take place from September 9 to 15 in the city of Tartu (Estonia) and from October 7 to 13 in the city of Constanta (Romania) to know both educational and productive systems of the electric vehicle, and where teachers from the Institut Escola del Treball of Barcelona and the Institut la Guineueta (near the Institute of Security and Mobility of Barcelona) will participate. Later, two additional stays will be carried out in Finland and Italy to develop the foundations of the virtual pilot course.

Entrepreneurship Night 2024: 15th FPemprèn Awards and 6th FPconsolida Awards

On June 13, 2024, the Night of Entrepreneurship 2024 was held at the Casa Llotja de Mar of the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce, an event in which the delivery of the 15th edition of the FPemprèn Awards and the 6th edition of the FPConsolida is celebrated.

The event, led by Clara Sanchez-Castro, was inaugurated by Mrs. Marta Angerri, member of the Executive Committee of the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce and president of the Women, Business, and Economics Observatory, Mrs. Sara Berbel, executive president of the BCN Vocational Training Foundation, Mr. Lorenzo Di Pietro, general director of Barcelona Activa, Mrs. Ester Pujol, director of the Area of Social and Economic Development

After the welcome speeches, the 6th FPConsolida award was presented, an award presented jointly with Netmentora Catalunya and the Department of Education, to the company Blue Containers Company, by Iv’n Romero, Anna Laura Bertero, and David Llusà. After the award ceremony, which was given by Mr. Alejandro Ribó, CEO of Netmentora Catalunya, we were able to learn about the experience of Ivan and Anna Laura with her company.

Subsequently, it was passed to the delivery of the 15th edition of the FPemprèn Awards. This edition has had 97 in the first phase, of which 69 have been evaluated, corresponding to 27 VET centers in the city of Barcelona and its Metropolitan Area and with the participation of more than 220 students. The winning projects in each category can be consulted HERE:

Once all the categories of awards were presented, the closing ceremony was carried out by Mrs. Mercè Chacón, General Director of Vocational Training.

Photos of the event can be viewed here:’n0GDhFq8KR8ueUvUPUqXAw