We’ve presented a practical guide to implement the Dual VET in town halls at the El Molí library of the Molíns de Rey Town Hall with Fabian Mohedano, executive president of the FPCAT Agency and Montserrat Ballarín, vice president of the social and economic development area of the Barcelona Metropolitan area.
This report explains the implementation process of Dual VT within the municipalities to facilitate its extension. Starting from the experience of twelve municipalities that already have dual VET students, it is analyzed how the initiative arose, how it was implemented, what barriers have been detected and what proposals exist to improve the experience. As a synthesis of these experiences and other complementary information, a series of tools are presented to accompany and facilitate the adoption and extension of dual VT to local entities.
On Friday, July 1, the closing ceremony of the Metropolis FPLab, 4th edition, took place at the school and center of FP Antoni Alguerí in Sant Just d’Esvern.
The project brings together the metropolitan talent of VET and the most innovative companies in Barcelona and the Metropolitan Area. We opened the event with Joan Basaganyas, Mayor of Sant Just d’Esvern, Montserrat Ballarín, Vice President of the Social and Economic Development Area of the Barcelona Metropolitan Area and Immaculada Font, Director of the Vocational Training Center of the Antoni Algueró School.
The event continued with the testimonies of three companies that have been part of the project; the company GPAInnova and the Consortium of the Zona Franca explained their experience as new additions to this edition and in TMB, which have accompanied us since the first edition highlighted the growth of the project.
Finally, the winning projects of this edition were recognized. Winners will receive a scholarship to carry out their project.
The winners of the 4th edition of the Metropolis FPLab are:
On June 21, 2022, the Night of Entrepreneurship was held at the Museu de les Aigües of Cornellà de Llobregat, which already includes the 13th edition of the FPEmprén Awards and the 4th edition of the FPConsolida awards.
The event, presented and guided by Bibiana Ballbé, was opened by Manuel Camerón, General Manager of Agbar in Spain, Sara Berbel, Executive President of the Foundation BCN Formació Professional and Pere Fàbregues, Vice President of the Foundation BCN Formació Professional and Montserrat Ballarín, Vice President of the Barcelona Metropolitan Area.
The FPEmprén awards are a public recognition of the best business projects carried out by Vocational Training students from VET institutes and centers in Barcelona and its metropolitan area. The purpose is to promote the recognition and social prestige of VET and, in turn, promote entrepreneurship from a pedagogical point of view. The awards project includes the training of teachers from the participating centers to introduce or update them to the ecosystem of entrepreneurship. The training is directed by leading institutions and companies of Catalan entrepreneurship such as Seed&Click or Barcelona Activa. The awards often serve as a ticket for later consolidation of some winning projects through the FPConsolida awards and the awards for Catalan entrepreneurship that are later held by the Department of Education of the Generalitat de Catalunya.
Among the award categories there are the Best Elevator Pitch Award, FPEmprén for female talent, Energy, Sustainability and Environment Award; Health Sport and Wellness Award; Culture and Leisure Education Award; Hospitality and Tourism Award; Social and Solidarity Economy Award; Industry 4.0 and Digital Transformation Award; ICL Award – Logistics Management and Entrepreneur Award.
After the welcome, the FPConsolida awards were distributed together with Netmentora Catalunya and the Department of Education.
The objective of this award is to promote entrepreneurial projects led by students and ex-students of professional training in order to accompany them in the process of consolidating their projects.
It featured the intervention of Elionora Solé, HR Director Spain at Cofidis and Member of the Board of Directors of Netmentora Catalunya and José Antonio Andrés, deputy director general of Vocational Training Programs and Projects of the Department of Education, Generalitat de Catalunya. The winner of this 4th edition of the FPConsolida Awards was Noé Alexandre, head of the Noè Alexandre refrigeration and air conditioning company.
Finally, it was passed to the delivery of the 13th edition of the FPEmprén awards. This edition has had 71 projects, of which 61 have passed to the final phase. In total, 27 VET centers and a total of 245 students from the city of Barcelona and its Metropolitan Area have participated.
The event was closed by Mr. Fabian Mohedano, president of the Catalan Council for Vocational Training and Qualification of the Generalitat de Catalunya.
The project “Programa de Formació i Inserció: Pràctiques Professionals”, led by XarxaFP (International Mobility Association of Barcelona City Council), aims to improve employability and avoid disengagement from the education system of young students of PFI and is a step forward in the internationalization of training and insertion programs in our country. Last Monday, June 13, the closing ceremony of the first state-level mobility project for the educational level of PFI took place in the Salón de Cròniques of Barcelona City Council.
The event was chaired by the the councilor for education, Mr.Pau Gonzàlez, Mrs.Marta Ortueta (electronically), the director of the vocational training Unit of SEPIE, Ministry of Universities and Mrs. Maria Jesus Cervero, president of the XarxaFP.
Mr. Pau Gonzàlez, Councilor for Education of Barcelona City Council opened the event by pointing out that the project has been a success due to the joint involvement of the institutions, and the involvement of all the people involved: management teams, coordinators of mobility, tutors of the training and insertion programs. The project responds to the city council’s commitment to making international mobility more inclusive at all levels of education and breaking with the idea that Erasmus is only for the university. International internships are important for professional experience, language skills but especially for personal skills that are key to their professional and personal development (initiative, confidence, flexibility, organization, teamwork, etc.).This project is just the beginning of a long road that we hope will be successful and full at all levels.
Finally, the councilor thanked the vocational training centers for trusting the city council in this new adventure, as well as the organizations XarxaFP, Fundación BCN Formación Profesional, and the technicians in charge of executing the project more directly, for their commitment. in the project and for all its support.
Then, Ms. Marta Ortueta, thanked all the institutions involved for making possible the development of the project. “Erasmus + is a program made by people, personal situations, a living program,” said the director of the Vocational Training Unit of SEPIE. “We, as institutions, can encourage and promote the program, but it is thanks to you, the participants, that all Erasmus is possible, you are the most important ambassadors.”
The opening of the event ended with the gratitude of Mrs. Maria Jesus Cervero, President of the XarxaFP, who explained how we have been promoting and promoting the internationalization of vocational training in Europe for almost 25 years. “I can proudly say that the young people present here today are the first generation of Erasmus in the Training and Insertion Programs. You are the first but I am sure you will not be the last and we are very clear that in the future doing Erasmus internships in a PFI should be almost as common and everyday as it is today to do them at other educational levels. We believe that the word Erasmus should not only be the property of universities and that vocational training, at all levels, has a lot to show and offer to society, ”concluded the president of XarxaFP.
The project is aimed at young people with fewer opportunities or with obstacles for social, educational and cultural reasons that make it difficult for them to access the labor market and is based on an updated analysis of the common needs of the 13 vocational training centers that make up the consortium promoter of the initiative, and the willingness of all of them to start offering more inclusive mobility opportunities for their PFI students.
This includes 3 group internships for a total of 32 young PFI students, in the cities of Lisbon (Portugal), Munich (Germany) and Toulouse (France) for fifteen days.
Then, the tutors explained their experience during the course of the project as well as that of their students, a very positive experience. It was asked to be repeated and reproduced more regularly. The tutors of the Escola del Treball, INS Escola d’Hoteleria i Turisme centers also highlighted the series of skills that are acquired or reinforced with this project: Basic skills: skills for accessing the labor market, (mobility, functional calculation and basic computer science), knowledge of English / French), b) Transversal skills: adaptability, learning to learn, communication, emotion management, initiative-autonomy, organization, responsibility and Technical and professional skills according to professional profile, vocabulary and language professional in English or French, according to professional profile.
The event ended with the presentation of the diploma of recognition by Councilor for Education Pau Gonzalez and the President of XarxaFP Maria Jesus Cervero.
A day of reflection, which served to know trends, visions of the future and share a dynamic of work to detect obstacles and opportunities and where without a doubt the professional training will be key for the transformation of the sector of the new mobility and to achieve a Sant Boi sustainable and healthy by 2030.
The Plan for Measuring Innovation in Vocational Training it’s a project that promotes values on experimentation, key competencies and teamwork and it’s guided by the improvement of educational success and the labor insertion. Currently there are 11 editions of the plan, where more than 700 innovational projects have participated, and 363 have benefited economically. Thanks to the support of the AMB and ours, more than 5,000 VET students have been able to take part in these projects.
This May we have run a campaign to visualize some of the projects promoted in recent editions; The Rambla Prim Institute team presented a buoy project capable of sampling microplastics in marine and inland waters.
The Guillem Catà Institute in Manresa is promoting the setting up of a textile quality control laboratory, and Anna Gironella’s team uses virtual reality to make students aware of the importance of occupational hazards before starting work practices.
The proposal of the Francesc Ferrer i Guàrdia Institute, in Sant Joan Despí, promotes that students accompany the health staff of the CAPs in home care, to learn about this type of intervention.And in the same way, more than 350 projects of the Demarcation of Barcelona have become reality thanks to the Plan of Measures, a project that does not stop growing!
The 25th of May, together with the people management area, organizational development of Barcelona City Council and the RRHH field of the IMEB-Municipal Institute of Education we attended the celebration for the 10th anniversary of Dual Vocational Training at Catalonia.
Dual vocational training has been a clear commitment of Barcelona City Council since the beginning when the regulations were approved, both helping to promote it and being a “training institution”. Since 2012, Barcelona City Council has hosted 1,716 scholarship holders, which is why it received an award as a company with the largest number of dual students.
The Municipal Nursery Schools of Barcelona were pioneers in Dual Vocational Training, currently the aim is for each of the 103 Nursery Schools of Barcelona City Council to have a Dual Vocational Training student.
Industrialized construction, sustainable building certifications, constructive wood, collaborative work with BIM, Build to rent, Co-living and Co-housing… those are all trends that professional training must be aware of in order to train future construction 4.0 professionals.
With the aim of knowing the latest developments and trends in the sector, from the VET & Construction 4.0 Table, we have organized a visit to the Rebuild Expo Madrid with 4 VET centers specialized on Building and Construction, Wood and Interior Design, from Barcelona and its metropolitan area. There we met with 5 other centers from Madrid, Alcalá de Henares, Zaragoza and Segovia, in order to establish synergies and possible shared projects. Thanks to Rebuild we have been able to attend the National Congress on Advanced Architecture and Construction 4.0, participate in a working table and enjoy a great technological event of the building sector.
Last Thursday, April 7th, the BCN Vocational Training Foundation and CaixaBank Dualiza have organized the presentation of their study: “The Catalan health and social-health sector in terms of vocational training” with the collaboration of Barcelona Activa and “la Caixa” Foundation. The event took place at the Caixaforum in Barcelona.
In this study, an X-ray of the current situation in the health sector and the care and treatment of elderly and dependent people is made in terms of VET. The analysis carried out has involved knowing the characteristics, dynamics and trends of the labor market in these sectors and analyzing the training needs with a prospective view, in order to improve the different associated VET offer.
The presentation was opened by the Foundation’s executive president Sara Berbel Sánchez. “After having gone through an experience such as the social and health crisis generated as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are more than aware of the radical importance of health, socio-health and social sector,” she remarked. “This visibility and recognition have resulted, among other things, in more interest for the health sector by young people starting vocational studies”.
Berbel ended by noting that it is essential to have qualified professionals in the fields of assistance, diagnosis and health treatments, as well as professionals who can offer quality care and treatment to the elderly and dependent persons; hence the importance of the study, whose main objective is to identify the training needs of both current and future market.
Angel L. Miguel Rodriguez, General Director of Vocational Training of the Generalitat de Catalunya, continued by stressing the importance of these type of studies, in order to have a deep knowledge of the sector and be able to make proper changes and modifications.
Juan Carlos Lauder López, director of CaixaBank Dualiza, continued stating “the importance of this type of research, which contributes to having a real knowledge of the state of many of our sectors and, in this case, of the most affected sector during the pandemic and, therefore, most subject to changes. Thanks to this analysis we can see which are the strengths and weaknesses, and where we can direct our efforts to achieve improvements that will translate into more and better opportunities for our professionals and for our society”. Lauder added that “for all this, vocational training continues to be a key training, because of the role it has to play in the training of professionals, in updating the skills of those who are already working, and in the training of new technicians who will take on functions that are yet to come”.
Rafael Bengoa, co-director of the “Institute of Health and Strategy (SI-Health)” spoke on Social vulnerability and social-health collaboration. Bengoa stressed the need for a specific technical process to transfer the cost of an integrated health system, also including the socio-health syste , to the political level. To this end, he pointed out, the political implementation must be done from an autonomous level. Successful local experiences are being evaluated, in which both systems are integrated so that there can be subsequent financing by the government. This evaluation, Bengoa continues, would be accompanied by an evaluation of the sustainability of these types of models.
“The study was based on a survey counting with more than 250 organizations from the sector, as well as 33 interviews and 4 focus groups with different key agents”, explains Ana Vicente, the study’s main researcher.
Àngel Tarrino Ruiz, head of the VET Observatory of Fundació BCN Formació Professional, has exposed the main mismatches between the labor market and the different training offers: in relation to specific professional profiles for which the current degrees do not offer an adequate preparation, a scenario of “non-official training” has emerged and it is urgent to regulate it. The competencies and professional categories of these professional profiles are not regulated either. The lack of specialties in the VET system ends up harming healthcare centers that must devote excessive resources to the qualification of certain profiles. Even so, he also explained some of the main assets of the sector: the high social recognition of the sector due to COVID-19, as well as a relevant growth in the employability of both sectors in the medium and long term due to the aging of the population. Tarriño ends highlighting the new VET profiles that will be needed in the future, as technician in: control and quality assessment; Bigdata, 3D printing prosthetics, rehabilitation specialist or gerontology assistant.
Mónica Moso Díez, head of the Knowledge and Innovation Center of CaixaBank Dualiza, pointed out that it is key to develop a comprehensive vision of the health and social-health sector, seeing the interconnections and promoting the flows of information, knowledge and professionals within the framework of this sector.
From the point of view of vocational training, some examples of measures are: the review of qualifications, competencies and functions of professional profiles from the macro sector, the strategic and comprehensive planning of the supply of vocational training, the promotion of the figure of specialist teachers, the linking of vocational training centers to health and social-health parks (with stays of teachers), the promotion of certificates of professionalism and dual vocational training.
Finally, Fabian Mohedano y Morales, executive president of the Public Agency for Vocational Training and Qualification of Catalonia, closed the event by thanking all the key players participating in the study, and explaining the need for the implementation of the 360º orientation that the agency is carrying out, in order to provide documented information on the existing market demands. This orientation, Mohedano continued, involves prospecting studies such as this same study and guidance to counselors on the results of the prospecting to inform the future worker in a more effective way. He concluded by thanking the Foundation for its essential task as one of the key promoters of vocational training.
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