
Internationalize MetropolisFPlab

We launched the project “EU Water Challenge VET Labs”, the result of internationalizing the MetropolisFPLAb. The project is a pilot test, the main objective of the EU Water Challenge VET Labs project will be to establish the first international VET awards for European VET students. It will respond to a single social challenge: identifying innovative nature-based solutions to mitigate the effects of floods and improve water retention within an imaginary European city, called “Methropolis”.

The company that will present the challenge will be Veolia, represented by the Barcelona School of Water during the project.
In reality, the imaginary city of ‘Metròpolis’ is invented and developed by the company and includes a series of common/combined characteristics of a typical city in Denmark, Belgium and Spain so that it will emulate the different contexts in a single city.

This competence will be based on the use of the challenge-based learning approach (CBL) and other open innovation methodologies applied to EFP to learn to solve real-world challenges, while obtaining deeper knowledge and skills needed to thrive in a changing world.

The project coordinators and partners will be:

BCN Professional Foundation (Barcelona, ES)

Project partners:  

-Mercantec (Viborg, DK)

– From Wijnpers (Louvain, BE)
-INS Esteve Tarrades (Barcelona, ES)

– Barcelona Water School, as a representative of Veolia.

FP innovation measure-plan course 2022-2023


On the 3rd of November we start the new announcement of the 12th edition of the FP Innovation Measure-Plan, course 2022-2023.

The plan is run by the Fundación BCN Formación Profesional, with the collaboration between the Área Metropolitana of Barcelona and the Diputación of Barcelona, with the main objective to promote the innovation and quality of the professional education system in the district of Barcelona.

The support announcement aims at all centers and/or institutes that impart initial teaching of professional education (sports and arts also inclusive) of the district of Barcelona and which have the objective to reward educational projects of innovative character.



  • Publication of the announcement: 3rd of November 2022
  • Application presentation: 13th of December 2022
  • Announcement resolution: 1st fortnight of February 2023

The FPemprèn Awards are back with a masterclass for students and teachers of FP

The 14th edition of the FPemprèn Awards has started, aimed at students of education cycles of medium and superior grade from Barcelona and its metropolitan area.

PRE-INSCRIPTION phase of projects and participants

The participants will have to formalize this participation filling the following form and attaching the whole documentation that is requested in it:

  1. Application letter, addressed to the management of the Fundación BCN Formación Profesional. Only one letter per center has to be sent, specifying the project(s) to be presented.
  2. Motivation letter, elaborated by the student or student team who presents the project to the gathering.

The pre-inscription form for the Awards will remain open UNTIL THE FIRST OF FEBRUARY (the whole day), the deadline for submitting all the documentation requested. Delayed applications won´t be accepted.

MASTERCLASS: Generation of ideas with impact

Before the pre-inscription of the projects, we have prepared the masterclass “FPemprèn Awards: generation of ideas with impact“ aimed at students and teachers of professional education who are intested in learning about tools and methodologies which help in the first phase of the development of the enterprising project: the process of ideation and detection of an enterprising idea which may have potential and generate impact. The session will be imparted by Juan Àlvarez de Lara, Founder & CEO of Seed&Click, on the first of december, from 10:00 to 11:30, through the platform Zoom.

Those who are interested in attending the online masterclass can register until the 29th of november (inclusive) in the following link. One day before the training you will receive an email with the link to access the online session.


Tuesday 10th October 2022, at 18:30, the 8th edition of the DonaTIC Awards was celebrated at the Teatre Nacional de Catalunya, promoted by the Department of the Vice-Presidency and the Digital Policies and Territory, in collaboration with the Institution of Women (Institut Català de las Mujeres), the Women, Business and Economy Observatory of the Chamber of Commerce of Barcelona and the association Tertúlia Digital.

The DonaTIC Awards have been one of the outstanding initiativesof of the Government´s Plan DonaTIC, which was created with the aim of raising the existing glass roof in the technoly sector, which focuses on the women´s presence and on promoting their participation and empowerment in the construction of the digital society with equality criteria.

The Awards are divided into eight categories and two sub-categories, one of them for a FP TIC student who has developed an outstanding project or initiative in this field.

This year, the winner was Fátima Syed Shahzadi, student of the CFGS Multiplatform Application Development (WAD) from the Instituto Juan de Austria of Barcelona. She occupied the first place together with a classmate, in the Wapps contest (the best student websites in Catalan) in the category of the best phone application. They created an app that is a catalogue for searching series, movies, books, music and video games in Catalan.

The finalist of the Awards was Judith Barrajón, student of the CFGS Website Application Development (WAD) of the Barcelona Jesuitas El Clot.

Congratulations to those two and all the DONA TIC Award winners for their talent and for beeing future STEM references for girls and adolescents.

The Fundació is part of the jury of these Awards and wants to highlight the FP student winners of all previous editions.

2017 Marina Blasco Sánchez Instituto Escola del Treball, Barcelona

2018 Cristina Martin Planelles Instituto Bosque de la Coma, Olot (Girona)

2019 Anna Dacosta Martín Instituto Esteve Terrades e Isla, Cornellà de LL.

2020 Agnès Malé Gabarró Instituto Esteve Terrades i Illa, Cornellà de LL.

2021 Sara Puig Cabruja Jesuitas El Clot, Barcelona

2022 Sahar Fátima Syed Shahzadi Instituto Juan de Austria, Barcelona

Women registered in the FP cycles represent 9%, the labour market insertion rate of these professional field is 98,92%. The technology sector is growing exponentially every year and generates many stable and well-payed employments. Many professionals are needed for working in the TIC and it is the key to attract young people, especially more girls, to these FP TIC studies, a challenge that affects all of us- families, schools, companies, institutions and governments.

Day for sectorial networking about electric vehicles

From the foundation Fundació BCN Formació Profesional, we have co-organized with Barcelona Activa a sectorial and networking Day about electric vehicles, for the 19th October 2022, at the Sala Emprèn of Barcelona Activa.

A day in the key of occupation which allowed to present tendencies, skills and professional profiles which are needed by the companies linked to the electric vehicle and sustainable mobility.

The framework presentation to learn about the occupation creating tendencies was hold by Mr. Agustí Chico, director of singular projects and Transversial laboratories of Eurecat.

It was completed with occupation data and indicators by Ms. Àngels Santigosa, head of the department of Economy Management, Resources and Economic Promotion Studies of the Barcelona City Council, and by Ms. Ana Vicente, technician of the observatory of the foundation Fundació BCN Formació Profesional, who presented the profiles and training required for working in this sector.

A round table with companies provided their vision on the professional profiles which are required and valuable in the moment of contact and what recruitment channels they use.

EVARMXavier Ribas, CEO-director executiu
SABWAYFrancesc Alonso Mollà, CEO&Innovation Manager
Gremio de Instalaciones de BarcelonaAlbert Morales, assessor tècnic

The conference concluded in a networking space between the public and participating companies.

A group of many FP teachers and students of Automotive Cycles and the new course about Specializing Hybrid and Electric Vehicles Maintenance joined.

The foundation FP plays a fundamental role in training the future electic mobility professionals.

Trace your itinerary with FP-Saló Ocupació 2022

You would like to learn more about the training system of Catalunya and discover the working fields which it enables you to have access to? On November 9, from 16:00 to 16:30, the foundation Fundació BCN Formació Profesional organizes a workshop within the framework of the Saló de l’Ocupació 2022, with the aim to get to know training cycles and professional certificates. The participants will be able to elaborate their own training and preparatory itinerary, which characterizes their current trainig, their professional objectives and how we can improve their competential profile.

Register here:

More information:

Presentation Session of the 5th Edition of the MetròpolisFPLab

Last Thursday, October 20, the presentation session of the 5th edition of the MetròpolisFPLab was held. All the parties involved in the project, including training centers, the organizing team, and participating companies and institutions, held a virtual meeting to start the new edition of the project. Anna Hernández welcomed the session, emphasizing a project that does not stop growing. This edition disposes with the participation of the Barcelona Provincial Council, specifically with the Municipality of Granollers and Mataró; in this way, the MetròpolisFPLab approaches new students and areas of the territory. The various participating companies/institutions presented their challenge to the tutors of the educational centers, so that they can transfer the information to the students. Specifically, we have 13 new challenges, nine entities that have already held various editions (The Port of Barcelona, Aigües de Barcelona, MB92, the Circuit de Catalunya, GPA innova, the Pla Estratègic Metropolità de Barcelona, TMB, Arquima and the Consorci de la Zona Franca) and four new entities that join the project (Mesoestetic, the Consorci Sanitari del Maresme, l’Hospital del Mar, Audens Food). The registration period for centers that want to participate is now open. Through this link, you can consult all the relevant information about the rules of the call for the 5th edition, which you will find in the MetròpolisFPLab section of our website

2nd RECE thematic network meeting-the educational city in training and employment

From the RECE Network "State Network of Educating Cities", which the Barcelona City Council is part of, it is possible to create thematic networks promoted by different cities of the Spanish State that are part of the network. One of them is "the city that educates in training and employment", promoted by the City Council of Malaga. 
The main objective is to contribute to the improvement of the employability and the quality of the citizens´ employment. This will allow the improvement of the society, the creation of new opportunities and the improvement of the quality of life.

On the 22nd of September we had the second meeting of the network where it was decided what the work plan would be. To facilitate the task, working groups were assigned and, by delegation from the City Council of Barcelona, the Foundation will form part of the group "creating a training and employment forum" where will be an exchange of information and documentation about the regulated and non-regulated supply and the needs and professional profiles demanded by the business fabric. 
Here you can contribute all the experience of Barcelona Activa and the FP Observatory. The next meeting in person will be in Malaga on the 11th of November.

Mobility returns to normal at the Foundation

Once again, we are collaborating with the German school @glasfaschule_rheinbach receiving a group of 10 Graphic Design and Media students who will be doing their internships in Barcelona inthe coming months. This year, mobility is back, and treading hard. More than 40 students are doing internships in Barcelona.

Welcome and enjoy the experience!


As an activity of the Taula FP&Construcció 4.0, we have organized a tour of visits with FP Building and Civil Works centers in Madrid, Segovia, BCN, AMB, and technicians from Barcelona Activa and Xarxa FP.

Visit facilities/buildings

We have been able to get to know the municipal facility Community Life Center of Trinitat Vella, guided by Carol Beuter from Haz Arquitectura, who explained the work in detail, an example of a passive building.

We visited l’Ateneu de Fabricació Digital de Gràcia, a public space for training and creating digital fabrication projects linked to new technologies, specializing in creativity, crafts, textiles, fashion and biomaterials, which can offer support and knowledge to many projects of VET students and teachers.

We also visited the single-family home in Alella, an innovative and sustainable project created in BIM, an example of wood construction (CLT) by Artio Studio.

Visit VET Building and Civil Works centers

Next year, Institut Escola del Treball de Barcelona will expand its offer with PFI studies, the intermediate degree of construction, and the new specialization course in BIM, which is why it will become the only center in Barcelona with all the training offers for Building, and also the only center in Barcelona that has Wood.

Institut Provençana de l’Hospitalet de Llobregat, a center with GM and GS, focused on sustainable construction, circular economy, and Construction 4.0, and where they also launched a new specialization course in BIM. In turn, it should be noted that three of its students from the CFGS of Building Projects won the Metropolis FP Lab d’Arquima Award, a leading company in passive industrialized construction.