
Creativity VET Lab at the EU Water Challenge VET Lab

This October we celebrated the Creativity VET Lab in Leuven, the second innovation activity within the EU Water Challenge VET Lab project. The 3 teams must solve the Aigües de Barcelona challenge: How do we improve water management through nature-based solutions to achieve greener and more sustainable cities?

The teams are already working on the first proposals: new ways to collect water and reuse it, structures to prevent flooding, canalization systems that differentiate between rainwater and “dirty” water…

All these ideas will have to be prototyped at the next meeting in Viborg. Let’s continue!

Teacher exchange in Tartu

During the month of October, the BCN VET Foundation has organized a new internship for teachers from Barcelona and the AMB in relation to the renewable energy sector and the electric vehicle in the city of Tartu, Estonia.

During the international stay, the participating teachers have been able to learn how their vocational training are performed at Tartu Vocational College, the centre of excellence in Vocational Training, and to be able to know first-hand companies that manage innovative technologies such as alternative fuel vehicles, hydrogen technologies, solar energy, electric cars, etc.

New course, new mobilities!

During the month of September, and thanks to the collaboration with Xarxa FP, more than twenty students and graduates in Intermediate and Advanced VET from various professional families, have started their training stays in different European cities.

Surely the stay will make a difference in their professional future!

Creativity VET Labs- EU Water challenge:

The week of the Creativity workshop will take place from the 2 to the 6 of October, in which all teams will work to generate ideas in order to respond to the challenge launched by the international company Veòlia (Aigües de Barcelona).

The three teams, made up of students from the centre of Mercantec (Viborg, Denmark), from Wijnpers (Leuven, Belgium) and the Esteve Terradas Institute (Barcelona), will be working together in the centre of Leuven to explore and define their ideas and concreteize them into concepts, through participatory dynamics and active educational activities.

The european project will continue throughout the 2023-2024 year and will end in June next year.

VET news

DONA TIC Awards 2023

The Foundation participates as a member of the jury of the DonaTIC Awards 2023, promoted by the Digital Policies Secretary of the Government of Catalonia.

These awards have a double objective:

  • To recognise and make visible the fundamental role of women in the professional, business and academic world of new technologies.
  • To offer references to girls and teens who doubt whether or not to devote themselves to the disciplines of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) in the future.

On Thursday 14 September of 2023, at the headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce in Barcelona, the jury of the Honorary Committee met, responsible of selecting from among the 86 semi-finalists, the three finalist candidates and the winner of each of the 10 categories.

The award ceremony for the DonaTIC Awards 2023 will take place on November 16 2023, where we will know who will be the winner in the VET TIC category.

Since its first edition in 2015, the DonaTIC Awards have received a total of 621 nominations and have established themselves as a reference in the recognition and dissemination of the role and talent of women in the technological and digital field.

We provide experience on Dual VET

Our managing director Neus Pons Pena, and the director of the Bertelsmann Foundation, with Clara Bassols, participated at the Menéndez Pelayo International University providing experience about the Dual VET; lifelong learning requires a global look at the entire education system.

The winning teams of the MetropolisFPLab5

The winning teams of the MetropolisFPLab5 are currently staying in the chosen company to respond to their posed challenge.

A total of 44 students from 12 different teams were the winners of the fifth edition of the program. The prize consists on the development of their idea in a company through a paid scholarship that allows them to carry out their proposal, and to learn and know more about the company.

Latest VET Networking news

From September 11-15 , a delegation of professors from Skellefteå had the opportunity to participate in various activities thanks to the collaboration with different Barcelona centers and entities. They were able to enjoy visits to different schools such as INS Salvador Seguí and INS Ferran Tallada.

Furthermore, during this last week, it has been carried out within the Logistics VET Hub project, a study visit organised jointly by the VOCO Tartu Professional School with participants from different countries.