On February 26, at the headquarters of Barcelona Activa, the “Table of Training, Education and Accreditation of Competences” was gathered, which is part of the ABOQ, Barcelona Agreement for Quality Employment, and which the Foundation is part of. We have been able to know the evolution and changes in the competence accreditation service of the FPCAT Agency; I also share the information about the FP Empresa Office. This office is a gateway to provide companies with information on Dual Vocational Training. Barcelona Activa adds it to its services in companies, and the Barcelona Education Consortium interacts with the centers. The Foundation works on all the material support and strives to coordinate with other metropolitan initiatives, such as the project that is being developed in the municipalities of the Delta del Llobregat. We have also explained the role of the Barcelona City Council as a training organization. All these projects are possible because collaboration is done at many levels and information is shared and debated. Barcelona Activa has commented on its training offer and, as a novelty, the first dual FP in the field of charcuterie and poultry. The table has been asked to follow up on what is underway and to start new initiatives.