On May 16, in Agbar, at the Barcelona School of Water, we successfully held the final awards gala of the EU Water Challenge VET Labs, an event organized within the framework of the Erasmus+ project. The event was inaugurated with an opening session that was attended by prominent members of the organization and the sector, such as Toni Bru, director of Human Resources in Agbar, and Jordi Castillo, head of European projects at the BCN FP Foundation, and general secretary of the FP Network.

The day continued with the presentation of the project, by Sol Bermejo, from the Foundation, and with exciting testimonies from the participants, who highlighted the positive impact of the experience on their learning and professional development.

We were able to count on the collaboration of Mr. Ole Helledie, a trainee in Mercantec. Mr. Ivan BARTRINA, professor of Water Management, at the Esteve Terradas I Illa Institute. Mrs. Sofie Thys, a Biotechnology student, at De Wijnpers, Mr. Ferre Van Herck, a Biotechnology student at De Wijnpers, and Mr. Stewart Tirado, a Mechatronics student at the Esteve Terradas I Illa Institute.

Next, the solutions proposed by the participating teams have been presented:

> The Tree Bunker by Imre DE CRAEMER and ,ge HELLERUP HYNKEMEJER

> The Second Life of Water, by Ferran SILLERO, Andreas A.M. OLESEN and Floor VANDENBERGHE

> The Tower by Magnus CHRISTIAN ALR, ANDRESEN, and Natalia JIMÉNEZ

After a break for coffee, the awards ceremony was held, which honors outstanding participants, professional schools, and the winning group, The Tower, represented by Magnus Christian Alrø Andresen and Natalia Jiménez, and international collaboration between business students and teachers. A great celebration of a pilot project executed with all success.

The closing ceremony of the event was led by Mrs. Montserrat Llonch, Head of Communication at the Barcelona Water School of Agbar, who highlighted the importance of education and collaboration in the search for innovative solutions to face challenges.