The Foundation’s FP innovation project aims to reward centres that promote innovative educational projects that promote quality and innovation in the FP.
Through the Plan for Innovation Measures in the PF, initiatives that enhance the value of experimentation, the promotion of key professional skills, teamwork and in collaboration with other agents and/or educational centres, work and learning for projects, educational and professional guidance, improving educational success, encouraging job insertion, and generating new educational opportunities to prevent early school leaving, among other key elements.
11 editions, from 2011 to 2022:
- More than 700 innovative projects have been involved
- 363 projects solved favorably
- More than 5,000 FP students have participated
New call for the 2022-2023 academic year
The Innovation Plan is promoted by the BCN Professional Training Foundation, in collaboration with the Barcelona Metropolitan Area and Barcelona Provincial Council, with the main objective of promoting innovation and the quality of the Vocational Training system in the Barcelona demarcation.
The call for grants is aimed at all centres and/or institutes that teach initial vocational training (including sports and art) in the Barcelona demarcation and aims to reward innovative educational projects.

For any doubt or clarification, you can contact jcanalda@fundaciobcnfp.cat
Check here all the projects participants around the 10th edicions of the Plan (in Catalan)
With the support of