The FPemprèn Awards are a public recognition of the best business projects carried out by Vocational Training students of VET centers in Barcelona and its metropolitan area.
The purpose of the awards is to enhance VET’s recognition and social prestige, as well as to recognize initiative and entrepreneurial spirit among VET students.
The main objectives of these Awards are:
Projects are rewarded according to the following categories:
General Awards:
- Entrepreneurial award
- Social and solidarity economy award
Awards according to professional sectors:
- Energy, sustainability and environment
- Health, sport and wellness
- Education, culture and leisure
- Hospitality and Tourism
- Industry
14th edition FPempren Awards
We give the starting shot to the 14th edition of the FPempren Awards, aimed at students of middle and upper grade training cycles in the city of Barcelona and its metropolitan area.
Project presentation phase
Pre-enrolled projects must send via WeTransfer to jcanalda electrò the following documentation until 3 MAY (including):
1. Letter of application, addressed to the management management of the BCN Foundation Vocational Training. A single letter must be sent per center, specifying the or the projects that are definitively presented in this 2nd phase.
2. Letter of recommendation, drawn up by the person who tutors the project, supporting the participation of the projects in the competition.
3. Select the categories of awards that the project chooses, with a brief justification.
4. Select the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on which the project impacts, with a brief justification.
5. Business project with the annexes in one or more separate documents.
6. Presentation video of the presented project.
7. Other types of information and documentation related to the project presentation phase
12th edition of the FPEmprèn Awards
The # FPEmprèn Awards are back with a new edition.
You can check the bases and requirements of the contest HERE
From the same document you can download the necessary documentation to participate.
To formalize the pre-registration in the contest, you must fill in the following form. The deadline ends on March 23 (included).
11th edition of the FPemprèn Awards, 2019-20
First phase: Pre-inscription of the projects and participants
Until the day 18 of March of the 2020 (included)
Second phase: Presentation of the projects
Until the day 7 of May of the 2020 (included)
Download the main information of the contest
Video 10th edition:
The following content is currently only available in Catalan. The English version will be available soon.
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