On June 13, 2024, the Night of Entrepreneurship 2024 was held at the Casa Llotja de Mar of the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce, an event in which the delivery of the 15th edition of the FPemprèn Awards and the 6th edition of the FPConsolida is celebrated.

The event, led by Clara Sanchez-Castro, was inaugurated by Mrs. Marta Angerri, member of the Executive Committee of the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce and president of the Women, Business, and Economics Observatory, Mrs. Sara Berbel, executive president of the BCN Vocational Training Foundation, Mr. Lorenzo Di Pietro, general director of Barcelona Activa, Mrs. Ester Pujol, director of the Area of Social and Economic Development

After the welcome speeches, the 6th FPConsolida award was presented, an award presented jointly with Netmentora Catalunya and the Department of Education, to the company Blue Containers Company, by Iv’n Romero, Anna Laura Bertero, and David Llusà. After the award ceremony, which was given by Mr. Alejandro Ribó, CEO of Netmentora Catalunya, we were able to learn about the experience of Ivan and Anna Laura with her company.

Subsequently, it was passed to the delivery of the 15th edition of the FPemprèn Awards. This edition has had 97 in the first phase, of which 69 have been evaluated, corresponding to 27 VET centers in the city of Barcelona and its Metropolitan Area and with the participation of more than 220 students. The winning projects in each category can be consulted HERE: https://www.fundaciobcnfp.cat/innovacio/fpempren/

Once all the categories of awards were presented, the closing ceremony was carried out by Mrs. Mercè Chacón, General Director of Vocational Training.

Photos of the event can be viewed here: https://mega.nz/folder/uAx3VI6b’n0GDhFq8KR8ueUvUPUqXAw