The Foundation has had the pleasure of organizing, together with the Cercle d’Economia Foundation, the Session “Companies and institutions facing the challenge of dual training”.

The new Vocational Training Act proposes a single integrated system relating it to the world of work, both for people who are employed and unemployed. This Law focuses on the person and develops a system that accompanies him throughout his life. In this new regulatory framework, all the training is proposed in a dual format, an educational modality where part of the training is carried out in a company or institution that is jointly responsible for the entire process, becoming a training organization.

Therefore, to publicize these initiatives, we have had related speakers and experts in the field to know the position of public institutions and business experiences in dual training.

Pedro Fontana, president of the Cercle d’Economia Foundation, welcomed the attendees to the session and introduced Mr. Joaquim Nadal, Minister of the Department of Research and Universities. Nadal states that the field of VET dual training has a valued path and, on the other hand, in the university field it is still a pending subject. Next, Costas, president of CESE, explains that we need good jobs for more people in more places in the country and companies need workers. ‘Celestine’ is a dual formation.

Within the framework of the round table, the director of European Financing and Public Affairs of Ametller Origen, Marta Angerri, the CEO of Aigües de Barcelona, Felipe Campos, the director of communication and RH of SIGMA, Estefanía Muñoz, the person manager, organization and electronic administration of the Barcelona City Council, Javier Pascual, and the owner of the office of the Vilaplana pharmacy, Montse Vilaplana.
The participants have shared their experiences, all positive with the DUAL Formation.