Presentation Ceremony for FPemprèn and FPconsolida Awards

On December 15th, a session aimed at EIE teachers and other entrepreneurship-related modules interested in participating in the new call for FPemprèn and FPconsolida Awards was held at the Cercle d’Economia.

The session was opened by Mr. Miquel Nadal, CEO of Cercle d’Economia. During the session, attendees were presented with the new call for the FPemprèn Awards and had any doubts about the bases resolved. Alejandro Ribó, the CEO of Netmentora Catalunya, explained the FPconsolida award, which is carried out in collaboration with the BCN VET Foundation and the Department of Education. Finally, a training workshop was conducted by Juan Álvarez de Lara from Seed&Click, where he shared dynamics and good practices to encourage and enhance the development of business ideas in the classroom by students.

AMB Logistics Training and Employment Table sharing the results of the Erasmus KA2 Logistics VET HUB project

On Thursday, December 14th, 2023, the AMB Logistics Training and Employment Table was held. The event was co-led by the BCN VET Foundation, AMB, and the Barcelona-Catalunya Logistic Center. Several topics were addressed during the meeting, including the presentation of the main results of the study titled “The Current State and Future Scenario of Logistics and VET in Europe“. The study was prepared jointly with Xarxa FP and covered the context of eight European regions in terms of the generation, attraction, and retention of logistical talent.

Downloadable materials in the following link:

Celebration of the Anniversary of Convent de Barcelona Activa

The Foundation participated in an event that celebrated the first anniversary of El Convent de Barcelona Activa. The event took place on December 14 at 5 pm in the Mirador del Convent (Plaza Pons i Clerch, 2, 1st floor), that is a renowned facility in the city of Barcelona that offers job search and professional development opportunities to young people.

The event gathered various entities who collaborated to share their achievements and discuss the future of space and employment policies. Raquel Gil, Councillor for Economic Promotion, Labour, Feminisms and Democratic Memory, and Javier Rodríguez, Commissioner for Childhood, Adolescence, Youth and LGTBI Policies, both from the Barcelona City Council, were present at the event.

The CEO of Barcelona Activa, Lorenzo Di Pietro, gave a warm welcome to the attendees, and Carol Lorenzo, the Director of Orientation and Labour Market of Barcelona Activa, presented the facility’s first-year balance report. The event comprised a round table discussion with young individuals and organizations, followed by a celebration with concerts and leisure workshops in the courtyard of the civic center.

New call for the 15th FPemprèn Awards

We kick off the 15th edition of the FPemprèn Awards, aimed at students of intermediate and higher level training cycles in the city of Barcelona and its metropolitan area. On our website you can find the bases of the new edition of the competition, from where you can consult and download all the necessary documentation to participate.

Pre-enrolment must be done by completing the following form that will remain open until February 1, 2024:

FP& Sustainability conference at ISMAB

On December 12, 2023, the Foundation participated in a meeting promoting dual VET in the field of urban sustainability, which was held at the Barcelona Institute of Sustainability and Environment (ISMAB). The meeting was supported by CaixaBank-Dualiza and brought together companies, centers, experts, and agents of the VET ecosystem.

During the meeting, we discussed professional profiles related to sustainability and environment, how to promote dual VET in the sector, and how to attract female talent. These are the challenges that impact us all in achieving the commitments of ODS 11 of the 2030 Agenda, which is aimed at achieving sustainable cities and communities.

Visit to the EMAV

On Tuesday, December 12th, 2023, the Observatory and Innovation & Business technicians visited the School of Audiovisual Media of Barcelona (EMAV). The purpose of the visit was to learn about the center’s facilities, projects, and team of professionals who have been passionately training individuals in the field of Audiovisual Communication for 53 years.

During the visit, we also gathered valuable insights about the industry’s trends, professional profiles, skills, and future. These findings will be used to support the study of Cultural and Creative Industries at the BCN VET Foundation’s Observatory.

The municipal councils

The permanent commission of the Professional Training Council of Barcelona met on December 11th. During the meeting, the Barcelona Education Consortium presented registration data for the current academic year and initiated a discussion on the evolving state of vocational education training in the city. The discussion included a segment on initiatives from various organizations, during which UGT and the Plataforma per la Llengua presented a document on the use of Catalan in vocational training.

On December 14th, the Municipal Educational Council of Barcelona and the Council of Vocational Training of the City held a joint working session called “Debat de Debats: parla la comunitat educativa.” The session presented the conclusions of the committees and working groups of both participation bodies.

Women STEAM conference in Bilbao

On Wednesday, November 29th, 2023, the BCN VET Foundation participated in the MICROELECTRONICS, ENERGY, WOMEN, STEAM, VET AND EMPLOYABILITY Conference, which was the first joint event of ECoVEM with SECOVE in Bilbao. The conference was organized by the GAIA ANCCP Cluster, in collaboration with Politeknika Txorierri UPV/EHU, Merytronic, AI4VET4AI, ZIV Educación-Universidad Nacional.

High school students and teachers attended the conference to learn about European projects, initiatives, and good practices aimed at attracting girls to STEAM. Two industrial companies, ZIV and Merytronic, led by women, showcased how attractive STEAM studies could be, especially in the field of microelectronics and energy. They also highlighted how choosing VET could become a successful and promising option for students.

VET Conference. Orientation on the city

The “VET Conference. Orientation on the city” took place this morning at the Bellvitge Gornal Cultural Centre. Representatives from the fields of education, training, research and business participated in the conference with the objective of boosting VET by addressing orientation as a key element.

During the conference, it was emphasized that VET must play a prominent role in projects that aim to face the challenges of the future and transform municipalities, by offering teachings that adapt to the demands of the labour market and new professions that emerge. The importance of joint work between administrations, the world of education and the business sector was also highlighted.

The conference provided an opportunity for us to participate and support, and to learn about the good practices of the city council itself. We discussed with the different agents involved in orientation, both from the educational and business side, highlighting the relevance of the local world in VET for its knowledge.

IX edition of the Alliance Forum for Dual VET

The IX edition of the Alliance Forum for Dual VET provided a platform for representatives from the business and educational sectors, as well as institutions and experts from national and international levels, to discuss the transition from dual VET to a future success model. The Forum showcased key initiatives and projects of dual VET in companies, educational centers, and organizations. It also explored dual education in the university environment through a session titled “Dual education: Building bridges between higher education and dual VET,” which was led by our manager, Neus Pons. The session delved into the transfer of a dual model and demonstrated that the “dual university training is the next stop of the dual train.”

Later, Ángel Tarriño, coordinator of the Foundation’s Observatory, together with Manuel Fernández, director of EFA La Malvesía, participated in a round table moderated by Victoria Sanjuan, a researcher at the Observatory. The discussion focused on the rotation between companies in dual VET programs, with a particular emphasis on “The rotation between companies in dual VET programs” study. The study highlighted the importance of dual rotation in developing this model in a territory with SMEs and micro-SMEs, especially after the law is deployed.