We are a jury member at the Filma tu dual awards, with the Bertelsmann Foundation

Dual VET students share their experiences with ESO students in the Bertelsmann Foundation’s ‘Filma el teu dual’ awards

The contest, which rewards videos made by the students themselves, has been launched in collaboration with the Association des Apprentis de France (ANAF) and is within the framework of an Erasmus+ project.The Grand Jury Prize has been awarded to Sergio Frago, a Marketing and Advertising student at IES Clara del Rey in Madrid.On 17 June an event was held in Brussels together with the ANAF in the framework of an EAFA event, to project the European dimension of the project and determine the best footage in Spain and France.

6th edition of the MetròpolisFPLab, with the participation of more than 1500 students

> There have also been 13 companies and 50 centers that offer professional training.

> The winners obtain a paid scholarship to develop their projects within these companies for two months.

The Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona (AMB), the Diputació de Barcelona, and the Fundació BCN Formació Professional have publicly presented the thirteen winning projects of the 6th edition of the MetropolisFPLab, held during the 2023-2024 academic year. More than 1,500 vocational training students from 50 schools have participated in this edition, and have responded to the challenges posed by 13 companies or institutions. As in previous editions, the winners have received a paid scholarship to develop their projects within these companies for two months.

The companies that have proposed challenges to the sixth MetropolisFPLab and the winning teams are:

MesoesteticHow can we design and create a system to receive, evaluate, and select proposals for improvement by operators or production technicians?Chop Chops,
de l’Escola Pia de Mataró
Consorci de Residus del MaresmeHow can we separate and recycle the textile waste that we mostly throw away to mixed waste?Projecte RenovaTèxtil,
de l’Escola Municipal del Treball de Granollers
Marina Barcelona 92 How could we give a second life to plastic pellets from the recycling of the plastics we use in the shipyard?JDC, de Sanitària Hospital del Mar de Barcelona
Hospital Clínic  What could we do to raise awareness and reduce the health problems generated by childhood and youth obesity?NUTRIFIT, de l’Escola Joviat de Manresa
Port de BarcelonaHow can we make known, through graphic material, the logistics chain of the port of Barcelona?PortBCN a la vista!,
del Col·legi Cultural de Badalona
ResolHow can we create and design a new type of mobility for outdoor use using recycled plastic?Too Agency, de l’Escola del Treball de Barcelona
Aigües de BarcelonaHow can we integrate and adapt different spaces and buildings in our city as future climate shelters within the reach of citizens?Proven+Partners, de l’Institut Provençana de l’Hospitalet de Llobregat
Consorci de la Zona Franca How can we position the Zona Franca polygon as a friendly, easy, and accessible work area for everyone?UN STUDIO, de l’Escola del Treball de Barcelona
Circuit de Barcelona CatalunyaHow can we create an information tool that manages the breakdowns and incidents that refer to the maintenance of the Circuit facilities?LES TRES BESSONES,
de l’Escola Pia de Mataró
Institut de Ciències del MarIn coastal communities, how can we reduce the environmental impact and regenerate the coastline, the coastal ecosystem, and the sea ecosystem?Institut Pedralbes, de l’Institut Pedralbes de Barcelona
Grup Ametller OrigenHow can we design an intelligent hydroponic irrigation system that allows us to be more efficient?Nova Rosada, de Sanitària Hospital del Mar de Barcelona
Universal RobotsHow can we take advantage of the use of robotics and artificial intelligence to help elderly people with dependency and reduced mobility?Botmate, de l’Escola Municipal del Treball de Granollers
GPA Innova SeabotsHow can we improve the collection capacity of floating solids and hydrocarbons in a surface marine robot?The Developers, del Col·legi Cultural de Badalona

Creativity and innovation have once again marked this edition, with very curious proposals. At the awards ceremony, Ester Pujol, director of the Area of Social and Economic Development of the AMB, highlighted “the quality of the finalist projects worked by VET students, who, with a focus on equity and a more sustainable world, have responded to the challenges and involvement of companies in professional learning”.

On behalf of the Diputació de Barcelona, Joan Josep Galiano, CEO of the Education Area of the Diputació de Barcelona, points out that “from Diputació de Barcelona we have made a very firm commitment to promote educational opportunities for everyone and to facilitate the educational continuity of young people. A solid educational itinerary, which provides a good level of competence, offers more guarantees of being able to move towards a more satisfactory life project, both professionally and personally. And in this sense, we hope that the participation of students in the Metròpolis FPLab project has been able to contribute to motivating them and encouraging them to continue their studies”.

For Sara Berbel, president of the BCN Vocational Training Foundation, “the Metropolis FPLab is a perfect binomial of interrelation between companies, institutions, and VET centers. All the projects that have reached the end of this 6th edition are very good and the quality, as the 13 participating companies have made us notice, increases year by year. We also want to highlight that the Metropolis FPLab is a project of great territorial impact with participants and winners from many centers and municipalities. Nothing would be possible without the great involvement of the tutors of centers and companies; they are essential for this project. See you in the 7th edition!

During the event, two recognitions have also been made for the tutoring of the projects. Cristian Martínez, from the Marianao Institute of Sant Boi de Llobregat, and, by the tutoring in the company, Arnau Casanova, from Mesoestetic, have been recognized.

Likewise, Innobaix, a collaborating entity of the MetropolisFPlab, has presented the Innobus Award, through its director, Natàlia Mir, to the CVJH team of the Mercè Rodoreda Institute in L’Hospitalet de Llobregat.

MetropolisFPLab: business innovation to enhance the employment of young people

The MetròpolisFPlab project was born in the 2018-2019 academic year as a fusion of three educational innovation projects: Innolab, from Innobaix; Port Innova, from the port of Barcelona, and the Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya program. It aims to highlight the talent of students and bring them closer to the labor market. It aims to promote the acquisition of key skills and promote the employment of young people.

Final presentations of the Metropolis FPLab 6th edition

The BCN FP Foundation has celebrated the sixth edition of the event of final presentations of the MètropolisFPLab at the convent of Barcelona Activa, with a series of final presentations of teams from different educational centers. The companies that participate in the project, and that launch the challenges are Resolve, MB92, Gpainnova, the Maresme Waste Consortium, the Port of Barcelona, the ZF Consortium, the Circuit de Catalunya, Aigues de Barcelona, Hospital Clínic, Institute of Marine Sciences, Ametller Origen, Universal Robot, Seabots.

The participating centers are from the center of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona and Barcelona City.

The final event and the awards ceremony will take place on June 6. Good luck to all the participants!

Mobility with teachers and managers in Estonia

During the last week we have carried out a training stay with the management teams of centers in Barcelona, AMB and Mataró to learn about the Estonian training system and the VOCO VET excellence center in the city of Tartu.

ARA FP. Chapter 2: Changes and Transitions

In this second episode, we talk to Laura Zurriaga, better known by her social media name @Croquetadexocolata. With Laura, we will explore the professional and educational transitions in life, the changes in professional direction, and how vocational training is a very valid and powerful option to carry out these changes.

Find out how vocational training can be the key to successful transitions in life and career!

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We attend the Night of the BCN Installer Guild

On May 25th, together with Barcelona Activa, we were at the Night of the Barcelona Installers Guild, sharing a good time and the duties to continue explaining a profession with a lot of need for people to work, where VET plays a key role.

Sociocultural activities of the Singular project

We launched the 6th edition of the Compeuropa Projecte Singular, with Humboldt.

The project aims to improve employability and promote the employability of young graduates in vocational training through:

  • A language training in German (level 0 at B1).
  • Visits to companies of the AMB.
  • Social, cultural, and civic activities.
  • Individualized tutoring.
  • 6-week professional internship program in Germany.
  • Work contract for training and learning of around 12 months with a German company.
  • Approval of the Catalan vocational training qualification in Germany.

Throughout April and May, the young participants begin language orientation and training sessions.

So, continuing with the program, we start the sociocultural activities of the Singular project!

Ajuntament de Barcelona is committed to FP Dual

Noèlia Serrano, CFGS student in Audiovisual production and shows at the EMAV, explains her experience of Dual FP at the ‘ICUB of the Ajuntament de Barcelona at the Barcelona Film Commission.

You can access through this link.

The Foundation launches a new website on the Ajuntament de Barcelona FP DUAL accelerator Unit, with informational and updated data on Dual VET, as well as enriching experiences of real witnesses, such as Noelia.

You can access here the DUAL VET section of the website:

We present a new study “Sustainable construction in terms of VET”

The Sustainable Construction in terms of VET study, promoted by Barcelona Activa and prepared by the Observatory of the BCN Vocational Training Foundation, analyses the dynamics of the construction sector in the territory of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona to find a fit between the gap of talent in the productive fabric, the sustainable and digital transition and the role of vocational training (FP) as a qualifying vector. Construction is analyzed as a value chain that relates the activities of building and civil works, with activities such as installation, maintenance, wood, water, waste, or energy, given the close relationship with sustainable development.

The new paradigms about technology, digitization, materials, and construction processes are, as a whole, the main motivation for the elaboration of this study, not only because of their importance in the fight against climate change but also because of the opportunities they offer for the qualification and empowerment of human talent. In this sense, various job opportunities are detected that promote the sustainable and digital transition, through new housing projects, public works, building maintenance, and energy efficiency improvement.

The study highlights the need to promote certain changes in the sector to enhance talent attraction, and thus achieve a sustainable transition that will not only make construction more competitive but is necessary to adapt to the global climate challenges.

Strengthening skilled labor

New profiles are emerging with renewable energy specialties, circular economy, or 3D modeling and impressions, in addition to those classic trades, among which, delineators, palettes, and heads of work, which require recycling in the world of work of the present and future. It is thus noted that the sector still has a wide margin for development in terms of sustainability and digitalization, and the need to strengthen a skilled workforce where there is difficult profile coverage, as pointed out by the productive fabric and experts. It is therefore a priority to nurture the sector of professionals who promote this transition to the construction value chain.

Thus, the agents of the value chain transmit that VET as well as reskilling training can be a valid vehicle to cover these needs since they allow a green and digital transition to the qualification of construction professionals in those professions that demonstrate the most employability. The acquisition of competencies in ecodesign, bioconstruction, or Smart Buildings are some examples.

To carry out this study and conclusions in the field of employment in construction, 14 partners with different links to the world of construction have collaborated: guilds, clusters, professional associations, training centers, associations, and foundations to support the sector. 113 companies have participated, 14 VET teachers from the Building and Civil Works family and 15 experts from various links in the construction value chain.

Access to study:

Delivery of the FPCAT Awards 2023

On May 21st, the 25th anniversary of the CAT VET System and the awards ceremony for best practices in the field of VET were celebrated. Xarxa FP won one of the awards for 25 years to promote the internationalization of vocational training. More information about Xarxa FP is here.

Below is a part of the article published by the Journal of VET where it talks about the FP Network: (see the entire article here.)

The Association of European Cities, Xarxa FP is a European association created in 1999 that brings together cities from European countries to promote and promote the internationalization of students, teachers, and graduates in vocational training.
Since its creation, it has been the spearhead for the internationalization of vocational training centers in different European cities. In 1999 he began to develop internationalization projects for students and teachers of vocational training and continued to develop European projects at all levels of education, becoming in 2020 the only institution with the ability to carry out an international project only aimed at young people from training and insertion programs or basic vocational training. During all these years, the FP Network has been a key actor so that every year more vocational training centers can start participating in international projects, and that their students and teachers can carry out international stays in other EU countries. Since 2022, the FP Network has made it possible for international internships and professional stays beyond the EU to be carried out: in Montreal, Melbourne, or Monterrey.
Regarding innovative actions, it should be noted that the FP Network has been developing sectoral knowledge hubs since 2017 to promote strategic partnerships at the European level. Thus, he has developed the projects “Industrial VET HUB”, “Port VET HUB” and “Logistics VET HUB”.
Every year, the FP Network works with approximately 500 companies in different countries of the European Union (90 of them located in Barcelona and its metropolitan area), and encourages and promotes that students and teachers of professional training carry out internships and training stays in their headquarters. Thus, it promotes that companies know the reality of professional training in their environment and maximize their relationship with vocational training centers.
95% of young people who carry out international mobility through the VET Network join the labor market in less than 6 months after their stay or doing post-compulsory higher studies. Thus, it can be said that international stay is a key aspect of entry into the labor market.