The Department of Education joins the alliance between Netmentora Catalunya and BCN Vocational and Education Training Foundation to support entrepreneurial projects that come out of VET through the FPconsolida award.

The FPconsolida awards offer VET entrepreneurs business support to help them consolidate their projects. With the incorporation of the Department of Education to the alliance between Netmentora Catalunya and the BCN Professional Training Foundation, the aim is to expand the scope and access to teachers and entrepreneurs from all over Catalonia. 

As a novelty, the awards will remain open throughout the year and during the Entrepreneurship Night of the BCN Professional Training Foundation, the selected projects will have a dissemination space to publicize their companies and to reach VET students who have the restlessness of undertaking. The business support of FP projects is led by Netmentora Catalunya, the largest European network of business leaders. The objective is to provide free support for entrepreneurial VET projects and tools to consolidate themselves through the experience of the main business leaders of the Catalan territory, who contribute their knowledge to respond to the challenges presented by entrepreneurial initiatives. During 4 months a first follow-up is carried out,  where they study the viability, potential of the business model and the needs of the entrepreneur, connecting them with references and company experts who will help them. If the initiative is solid enough, this accompaniment process can be extended up to 2 years. The objective is to help consolidate projects through the exchange of knowledge and collective intelligence, while introducing entrepreneurs to a dynamic based on reciprocity and network growth. Thanks to this initiative, the aim is to contribute to the development of the Catalan economic fabric and the creation of employment from VET. That is why teachers also have a key role in detecting projects with potential and encouraging entrepreneurial students to carry them out. To apply, you can do it through this link. 

Consolidating your project, consolidating your future

It opens the door to entrepreneurship as a professional outlet. It encourages your resilience and develops soft skills such as creativity, trust and assertiveness to face the challenges that are presented to you.Empting is also an option.
Thanks to the collaboration between the BCN Professional Training Foundation, Netmentora Catalunya and the Department of Education of the Generalitat de Catalunya, we will select 10 projects that will be able to access the knowledge and networking of the main company leaders of Catalonia. An opportunity to develop your project and promote the economy of territories and job creation.
Load your experience backpack and lead your future into personal and professional success
Access to knowledge and networking of first-class company leaders who, through a networked accompanying methodology, will help you to bring your business to the next level.
At your disposal
: Duration: Up to 4 months
# Cost 0: (assuming network)
primer First level business accompany to increase the viability of your project and your skills as a leader
# Business Leaders connection to expand your network of contacts
# Access to knowledge spaces and netwokring between company leaders
‘ It is eligible to be awarded Netmentora for 2 years and without cost
Selection criteria
Aquesta This courser or have studied Vocational Training
# Businesses with job generation potential: 6-15 jobs at 3-5 years old
# Recent creation: 6 months to 3 years on the market
majoritària Most dedicated members of the project, majority control and active role in the company
1 With the required funding for +/- 1 year of activity
# With Business Plan (in whatever format

The Chamber of Commerce and Infojobs make available for students the 2021 report of the professions most in demand and with the highest salary in Catalonia

It is essential that students have information about the professional prospects of the courses they will take when choosing studies. 

The professions with the highest demand in the labor market and the highest salary are those related to Computer Science and Technology (IT), either with vocational training or university studies. 

Women are still highly underrepresented in technology studies, which are the ones with the highest demand and the best salary prospects. 

 The Barcelona Chamber of Commerce and Infojobs, a job search web portal, jointly present for the second consecutive year “The professions most in demand and with the highest remuneration in Catalonia”, coinciding with the period of choice of secondary and undergraduate studies university of Catalan students.  

The objective of this report is to make available to students, their families and people who are looking for a job, objective data on the job vacancies offered in the labor market according to field and educational level, and the salaries associated with these vacancies. This information should be used so that young people can choose their future training with more knowledge about the real demand of the Labor Market for the chosen option and its salary expectations. The objective is not to direct the students to study towards what they do not want, but rather that those doubting have all the information available to make the best decision. 

The information that has been used to make this report are the vacancies managed by Infojobs in Catalonia during 2019 and 2020, so the impact of the Covid-19 crisis only affects partially the data presented. Despite the fact that the health crisis is having an important effect on the demands of work in some occupations, it is also true that it is driving demand in others, therefore, it could be indicative of the trends that can characterize the Labor Market in a post-pandemic world. In fact, we observe how some of the mismatches between supply and demand are worsening due to Covid-19, especially in the case of professionals with training in ICT studies, whether they are VET or university, due to the increase in vacancies in this area . A gap that cannot be corrected without a greater participation of women in these formations. For this reason, this report is complemented with a specific analysis of female participation in technology-related studies, which are the ones with the highest demand and best salary prospects today. 

The Internationalisation of VET Education will also innovate

The Foundation BCN Professional Training, together with the European Mesh of FP, UPC and the address and some companies of the Port of Barcelona took part in the “Congress of the Americas on International Nurture” (CAEI), celebrated in Bogota of the 23 at the October 25, 2019, where presented the educational Hub of the Port of Barcelona as a example of good practices at superior nurture. This event gave us the opportunity to deepen at the internationalisation of the FP further of Europa, so much for the mobility of students and professorship, how for the conjoint development of projects of ken and innovation.

At this sense it is necessary to excel a possible road of collaboration with SENATI, the technical institution of more professional training big of the Peru that achieves three levels of training: operative technician, technical professional and technological professional and fosters the dual learning. This institution forms in addition to 90,000 students by the year at more of 70 technical careers endorsed by a National Committee composed by representatives of the most important industries of the country. Our contacts with this organism have permitted us establish the guidelines to sign a Memorandum of Entente with distinct lines of collaboration.

The virtualitat as a ongoing strategic line and future of collaboration that the new requirements of work created by the Covid 19 have speeded makes that projects like Metropoles FP Lab, companies simulated (together with Foundation Inform) or the good practices of the Hubs of ken have at this context an opportunity renewed

Creation of a Bank of Good practices and a guide of Prospectiva of VET in Catalonia

Catalonia’s VET Council has commissioned BCN Vocational Training Foundation to prepare a document or resources bank of VET good practices. This document seeks to become a guide for the VET sector and will be implemented by the Catalan VET Council throughout Catalonia.

For preparing this guide or prospecting report model within the framework of the priorities for the promotion of the Vocational Education and Training and Qualification System – VETCAT System- we wish to highlight the following main objectives: a) establish a quality control of the resources for prospecting professional training and qualification needs, b) define quality, methodological and formal standards, c) collect opinions from experts and recipients to optimize the design and development of the guide.

Likewise, we will carry out a wide dissemination task to publicize the guide and the prospecting report model.

Guide your future

The COVID-19 impact on health and the economy will change the occupational map

and will force many to reinvent themselves and change the focus of their professional itinerary.

It is a good time to acquire new practical and flexible skills conducive to widen our professional goals. VET educating can offer us those skills.

VET (initial, continuous and occupational) will become central for sectors such as logistics and distribution, e-commerce, technology and the digital world, industry, research and social and health services.

Find the offer for this training at:

Map of Training and Occupational Resources in Barcelona

VET Guide to BCN and BCN Metropolitan Area:

What to study in Catalonia