We take part in the International Logistics Fair talking about Dual VET

At first it spoke about the implementation of the Dual VET. In general terms, we need to work with companies to advise them on the incorporation of Dual students into the company. We need to work hard to be able to speed up the implementation of Dual VET.

The benefits of Dual VET were also discussed, such as the adapting to the real needs of companies, a better preparation in the truly essential skills of the profession, knowledge of the real working environment and a holistic vision of the company’s activity.

The third block dealt with international mobility: knowledge of different working techniques and methodologies or useful alternatives to apply once the students come back. In terms of student mobility, the Dual prepares them better to respond to new or in constant change working environments.

The fourth and final block was dealing with the benefits of Dual VET; we need an agreement between companies and educational centers to facilitate its implementation. On issues of agreements, timetables, rotation within the same company or in others…

We have organised four international mobilities

The BCN Vocational and Education Training Foundation has organised and carried out four international mobilities for companies, VET centers and institutions, with the aim of getting a better understanding of the vocational training system in other countries (Germany, Canada, Finland and the Netherlands).

In the first mobility, teachers and educational professionals in the field of logistics visited the Hamburg Institute for Vocational Training and the Port of Hamburg in Germany.

In the second mobility, the Foundation visited the MBO Raad Institute to learn about the vocational training system in the Netherlands.

The third mobility was the first one outside the European Union, where Núria Varella, Training in Working Centers tutor at the Costume and Spectacle Cycle at the Anna Gironella Mundet Institute, spent a stay to meet the VET in Montreal, Canada; a mobility that is useful to prepare the same mobility but for students next year.

The fourth mobility was in Finland, Espoo, accompanying a mobility of Barcelona management teams. We have visited Omnia, it is a wonderful opportunity to establish synergies!

The main aim of the stay is to learn about the Finnish education and vocational training system and, specifically, the innovative ecosystem of a European Vocational Training Centre: Omnia. We have known Omnia’s management, strategy and leadership model as a centre of vocational excellence, and how they connect with other companies. We have also been to Omnia Makerspace, an innovation and digitization space for Omnia students within the Aalto University precinct.

We thank the different centers and institutions for their cooperation in these international mobilities.

The follow-up commission of the Barcelona City Council’s Dual VET project meets in the Saló de les Cròniques

On May 9, the annual meeting of the monitoring committee of the Barcelona City Council’s Dual VET project took place at the Barcelona City Council’s Hall of Chronicles.
The committee consists of a representation of people referring to the Barcelona City Council (districts, managements, Municipal Institutes), representatives of the VET centres, and members of the monitoring subcommittee (CEB, Barcelona City Council, Department of Education of the Government of Catalonia and BCN Vocational and Education Training Foundation).

The Foundation, commissioned by the City Council, coordinates the collection of VET fellows requests and the CEB is responsible for assigning the places at the centers.

The meeting was useful to take stock of the past year, the welcome presentation on the City Council and the planning to incorporate now the new 2023-2024 interns.

The Barcelona City Council has supported Dual VET since the start, in 10 years 2013-2023 it has hosted more than 2,000 Dual VET interns of 21 professional profiles with an investment of + 6M€.

For the 2023-2024 academic year, the Barcelona City Council plans to incorporate 310 Dual VET interns from 23 professional profiles, being a benchmark for dual vocational training in the public sphere.

We attend the 9th VET Congress in Santiago de Compostela

More than 550 vocational training teachers have actively participated in the 9th VET Congress, organized by “FP Empresa” and “CaixaBank Dualiza”. All of them have promoted the new collaboration between VET centers and companies that will take place following the implementation of the VET law. The Congress took place at the Cidade da Cultura, Galicia, in Santiago de Compostela.

The discussions during these two days has been focused on the challenges that society will have to face for the proper development of the new legislation, the role that business and trade union organisations will play to try to facilitate the training involvement of companies and the relationship with VET centres, as well as the role of business tutors in Dual training.

Els debats durant aquests dos dies s’han centrat en els reptes que la societat haurà d’afrontar per al desenvolupament adequat de la nova normativa, el paper que jugaran les organitzacions empresarials i sindicals per facilitar l’implicació formativa de les empreses i la relació amb els centres de formació, així com el rol del tutor o tutoressa empresarial en la formació dual.

The Minister of Culture, Education and Universities of Xunta de Galicia, Román Rodríguez, has stressed the importance of companies’ confidence in the VET, stating that “business will have to rely even more on the VET” with the introduction of the new law that dualises all training. Rodríguez has also emphasized that “business trust Vocational Education and Training initiatives to recruit professional resources to expand the workforce”, as 85% of students who take up VET in Galicia find work immediately, and regarding dual training, the percentage reaches 100%.

Among the companies that were prominent participants in the congress were Iberdrola, Spain Nestlé and the Pescanova Group, which have highlighted their responsibility under the new regulations.

We come along with the students mobilities from VET

During May, 34 VET students from centers of Barcelona, Alcoy and Madrid have completed professional internships in Lisbon, Munich or Toulouse. Through this experience, students have been able to improve their employability, acquiring and strengthening their technical, personal and linguistic skills.

Final act of the MetròpolisFPLab project

During the 24th and the 25th of May, the final presentations of the MetropolisFPLab were held, where the 36 finalist teams of the 12 challenges showed their final proposal to the jury, consisting of the company or entity launching the challenge, innovation experts, and the project’s instigators. Students have presented the most innovative ideas, which they have been working on for more than 5 months, in order to find the most attractive proposal that best solves the challenge. On June 1st, the closing act will be held, where the winning teams will be elected in situ and a new edition of the project will be closed.

We participate in the VET offer planning group

The BCN Vocational Training Foundation has participated in the working group on the planning of the VET offer organized by the VET Council of Barcelona, exposing the results, conclusions and recommendations included in the latest edition of the Anuari report on VET and the labour market. In addition, a debate has been held on the main challenges of VET and how to address them.

Plan of Measures Innovation in VET: Graphical Way

On May 18 we attended the event Via Gràfica, a gala organized by the students and teachers of IFP Antoni Algueró. It is an act of recognition that brings together three groups (school, business and local institutions), and which aims to promote the talent of professional training and cycles linked to the graphic sector. The event allowed the students of the center to create synergies and job opportunities with the companies and institutions attending. In addition, it is a project favorably resolved in the latest edition of the Innovation Measures Plan in VET of the BCN Vocational Training Foundation.