Conference on Dual VET in St. Just

On October 26, we took part in the Conference on Dual VET held at the VET Institute Antoni Algueró. The meeting was organized by the economic promotion area of the City Council with the objective of publicizing and promoting dual training in the territory. The Education Department explained the role of prospectors in the territory, as support for centers and companies; the role of the City Council’s area of economic promotion, and the experiences of companies and the same institute that hosted the conference.

At the end it was possible to network between the participants.

Presentation of the Results of the European Logistics VET Hub Project

At the Presentation Day of Results of the European Erasmus + Logistics VET Hub Project of October 26th, the advances and good practices in the logistics Vocational Training (VET) in Europe were highlighted. Several experts presented results, sharing vital information about the future of the VET in the logistics sector. The event culminated in a question-and-answer session and the closing by the CEO of Barcelona Activa.

VET innovation project 2023-2024 course

The new call for the VET Innovation project for the 2023-2024 year will be published at the beginning of November. The project aims to reward centers that contribute to create innovative educational projects that promote quality and innovation within the VET. There are already 12 editions in which more than 700 projects have participated with more than 5000 students.

The sixth edition of the MetròpolisFPLab is starting

We welcome the sixth edition of the MetròpolisFPLab, a project that never stops growing! The participating companies and institutions have already presented the new call to the VET centers, as well as the new real challenges that seek solutions. In addition, this edition incorporates the city of Manresa and its VET centers, where a presentation of the project was made last October 18.

The registration period is open until 10/11 at the following link:

Board Meeting of Barcelona City Council: Building the Barcelona of 2030

On October 23rd we participated in the Board Meeting organized by the Barcelona City Council, to focus on the main priorities of this mandate and to reflect on the role of the public sector and the daily work and joint responsibility of the management teams, the leadership style, the values, and the organizational culture.

It featured the initial interventions of the mayor and the manager of the City Council.

Dual VET at the Barcelona City Council

This October, 306 dual VET student interns joined the Barcelona City Council (in districts, municipal managments and institutes, municipal preschools, education consortium, BCN VET Foundation) students from 22 professional profiles and 25 VET centers in Barcelona.

The dual VET is a modality in which students combine training in the educational center with practical activities in the company (1.000 hours).

The Barcelona City Council was a pioneer in opting for Dual VET and committed to promoting it in 2013, when the regulations that controlled the topic were just released. During these years it has welcomed 2.295 students and has invested more than €7M in dual VET.

Meeting of the Xarxa FP Executive Committee and the Mobility managers

The meeting of the Executive Committee of Xarxa FP and the Mobility managers of 20 cities, last October 18 and 19 in Munich, highlights the international cooperation and innovative initiatives in vocational education in Europe. Good practices were shared along with visits to professional training centers in Munich. The event demonstrates the unity of European cities to improve professional education and the continuous commitment of Xarxa FP in this area.

RECLA 2023 encounter

On October 6th we participated in the XXVIII International Meeting of the RECLA Network of Continuous Education in Ibero-America and Europe, organized by the UB and the UManresa. The theme of the conferences was Design and Innovation.

Our intervention was at the round table “Challenges and opportunities of continuous education from a business perspective“, together with Àlex Lobaco of the CFCF, and José Luis Alonso of Mondragón. And we were able to appreciate the Foundation’s role as a bridge between the VET centers of Barcelona and the AMB and the economic and social environment, the dual training and the importance of the territory and the local world due to its knowledge of the environment .

Teacher exchange in Tartu

During the month of October, the BCN VET Foundation has organized a new internship for teachers from Barcelona and the AMB in relation to the renewable energy sector and the electric vehicle in the city of Tartu, Estonia.

During the international stay, the participating teachers have been able to learn how their vocational training are performed at Tartu Vocational College, the centre of excellence in Vocational Training, and to be able to know first-hand companies that manage innovative technologies such as alternative fuel vehicles, hydrogen technologies, solar energy, electric cars, etc.

New course, new mobilities!

During the month of September, and thanks to the collaboration with Xarxa FP, more than twenty students and graduates in Intermediate and Advanced VET from various professional families, have started their training stays in different European cities.

Surely the stay will make a difference in their professional future!