Training stay in the Swedish city of Skellefteå

We have organized a training stay in Skellefte a, Sweden, for teachers from professional families related to the sustainable construction sector of centers in Barcelona and Metropolitan Area.

The aim of the visit was to deepen Sweden’s education and VET system and to get to know schools and companies dedicated to sustainable timber construction, a growing sector and key to a more environmentally friendly future.

During the stay, the participants had the opportunity to visit cutting-edge educational facilities in the sustainable construction sector such as the Anderstorp school, the Balder school, T2 College, the Artic Center of Energy research center and the Swedish company Martinsons, specialized in working with wood in construction, material recognized for its sustainability and low environmental impact. In addition, the delegation has been able to exchange experiences with local professionals, thus enriching their knowledge and exploring possible future collaborations.

We participate in the “Erasmus days Granollers”

We have participated in the Erasmus Days, held in Granollers and promoted by the Institut Carles Vallbona and the Granollers City Council and the Diputació de Barcelona.  The conference was held at the Carles Vallbona Institute with the aim of promoting international mobility in Vocational Training through the Erasmus program.

This conference was held in collaboration with the EMT Granollers Institute, Carles Vallbona Institute, Educem and the Parc Estudi. The event promoted exchange and training opportunities for young people at European level.

We participate in the Employment Hall and BizBarcelona

We participate in the Employment Hall and BizBarcelona, tomorrow, Wednesday 23 and Thursday 24 October, within the framework of sustainable construction and VET; entrepreneurship and VET centers and new labour cultures and VET.

From the Observatory of the BCN FP Foundation, on 23/10/24 we will dynamize a table on Sustainable Construction and Training with VET centers and companies, we present the study “Sustainable Construction in terms of VET“, we will also talk about Generation Z and young unemployed people without qualifications.

On 24/10/24 from 11 a.m. to 12 noon at the AMB stand we organize a round table with VET centers as incubators of entrepreneurial talent! With Blue Containers Company from Provensana High School and the promoters of the Tintin Virtual Reality Museum from Esteve Terradas i Illa High School

DONA TIC 2024 Awards

On Thursday, October 10, 2024, in the La Paloma space, the tenth edition of the ‘Premis DonaTIC’ was held, promoted by the Government with the aim of increasing the presence, empowerment and female leadership in the technological and digital field.

The BCN Vocational Training Foundation, since 2017, has been part of the Jury of the Premisques that are divided into eight categories and two subcategories, one of which is for an ICT VET student who has developed a remarkable project or initiative in this field.

This year the winners in the ICT VET 2024 student category were:

Alma Azul Colina and Amani Fadli Dokkali students of the CFGS Development of Multiplatform Applications, Video Games profile at the Pedralbes Institute in Barcelona.

 The two finalists: 

Lidia Panosa Gutierrez, student of the CFGS Systems and Network Administration specializing in Cybersecurity at the Technological Institute of Barcelona (ITB) in Barcelona, which has also been awarded by the jury in the special mention of Cybersecurity of the Cybersecurity Agency of Catalunya

 Emma Cardosa, CFGS student Development of Web Applications at the Ash Institute in Figueres, Girona.

 We make visible and highlight ICT WOMEN FP!


On 27 September, the Executive Committee of the Logistic Training and Employment Table met in the room of the AMB Governing Commission, of which the Foundation has its secretariat. This commission opens a new stage with a more direct involvement of the business world, with the incorporation of SEAT and the Catalonia Logistics Cluster, and of the municipal scope with the municipalities of ST. Boi de Llobregat and Molins de Rei. A vocational training centre, now the Institut de les Salines, also participates on a rotating basis, and a university, which is now the Escola Universitària Mediterrani in Barcelona. Apart from the founding members: AMB, BCL, ICIL, CIMALSA and the Foundation itself.

The purpose of the table is to contribute to the fit of the needs of the sector in terms of talent and training through private public collaboration, promoting to generate specialized training offer, increasing the number by coordinating measures to increase the number of companies involved in the dual, visibility of knowledge and the sector… among others.

The executive committee makes proposals to the plenary session of the table (comprising representatives of the sector and the metropolitan territory as municipalities, associations and entities of the sector, companies, training centers, social agents and competent administrations) to talk about the needs, potential measures and proposals of interest to the sector.


On September 26, at the Institut Algueró de St. Just, a working day was organized by the City Council of this municipality to publicize the novelties of Dual VET and the certificates of professionalism. A fundamental objective was to sensitize companies to become increasingly involved in the reality of a fully dualized training; commenting on the challenges and opportunities involved in being co-responsible for talent training. The day was able to share information and experience with experts in the educational and business sector; as well as collect first-hand what companies and students think.

A magnificent opportunity to network between VET centers and the economic and social environment.

Training stay for European teachers in the electric vehicle sector in Tartu, Estonia

The first of the four training stays for teacher mobility of the European Erasmus+ project ElectriCars VET Hub, coordinated by Xarxa FP, took place from September 9 to 15 in the city of Tartu (Estonia) with the aim of knowing the Estonian VET system, detecting the needs of the electric and hybrid vehicle sector and starting to jointly develop a virtual pilot course with respect to the new regulation and safety measures of sustainable vehicles.

In this stay, 10 teachers from the Institut Escola del Treball of Barcelona and the Institut la Guineueta, new Institute of Security and Mobility of Barcelona, Liceul Energetic Constanta (Romania), Lapland Vocational School (Finland), Fondazione Lepido Rocco (Italy) and Tartu Vocational College (Estonia) participated. In October, the second training stay in Romania will be held to continue with the development of the pilot course.

NEW CALL SIMULATED COMPANY, academic year 2024-25

The Simulated Business project (Simulation of Companies with Educational Purposes) of the BCN FP Foundation is an innovation project that seeks to complement training with completely practical knowledge and enhance the transversal skills of VET students, in order to facilitate the subsequent incorporation into the labour market.
The deadline for submitting applications is Monday 7 October and must be done through this FORM.

The call is aimed at all FP centers in Barcelona and its metropolitan area that teach during the 2024-25 academic year one of the intermediate and/or higher degree training cycles of the following professional families:
· Business and Marketing Family
· Family Administration and Management
The projects must be executed in the academic year 2024-2025 and each institute or centre may submit a single application.

You can consult the rules of the call and more information at: Company Simulation Project – Fundació BCN FP (

DONA TIC Awards-2024-selection applications

The Foundation participates as a member of the jury of the DonaTIC 2024 Awards, promoted by the Government, through the Secretariat of Digital Policies of the Department of Business and Labour and within the framework of the DonaTIC Plan.

On Thursday, September 12, at the headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce of Barcelona, the jury of the honorary committee met in order to select from the 70 semifinalists, the three finalists and the winner of each of the 10 categories.

Since its first edition, in 2015, the DonaTIC Awards have received a total of 707 applications and have established themselves as a benchmark in the recognition and dissemination of the role and talent of women in the technological and digital field. 

This year the tenth edition of the awards is celebrated and the ceremony of the DonaTIC 2024 Awards will take place on October 10, 2024, where it will be revealed who will be the winner in the ICT FP student category.

Visit PRUB and Propotypes – Sectoral Table FP&Construction 4.0

On Friday, September 13, we organized, for the VET centers of Bcn and AMB and members of the Table, a guided tour to know the Urban Regeneration Program (PRUB) of the Municipal Institute of Urbanism of the City of Barcelona. This programme deploys a global, unitary and multidisciplinary strategy of actions on vulnerable urban buildings and fabrics in situations of inadequacy or degradation, a step forward is being taken to create comprehensive solutions to promote rehabilitation through sustainable and innovative construction systems.

We were also able to visit the three prototypes of industrialized construction (Aligra, Regenar Barcelona and InnoFab) that are being tested on a plot of the Diagonal-Besòs Campus of the UPC. They are the three winning proposals of the challenge launched in 2022 by the BIT Habitat Foundation and the Municipal Institute of Urbanism to look for innovative solutions for the rehabilitation of housing buildings.

Through these industrialised construction prototypes, the comfort, habitability conditions and sustainability of current buildings can be improved, which will allow reducing CO2 emissions and energy consumption. In addition, construction models are low-emission and with limited costs to allow a high volume of housing to regenerate in the coming decades and thus influence the decarbonization commitments of the city of Barcelona within the framework of the climate mission.

Connecting FP and Construction 4.0 trends is one of the challenges of the Table to train the best VET talent.

For more information: Sustainable Construction in terms of VET.