Act Take the flight: Young people who start business next Thursday, February 9 at 5.45pm in the Mirador del Convent room in Barcelona Activa (Plaça Pons i Clerch, 2, 1st floor).  

Barcelona Activa, PimecJoves and Metropoli Abierta organize a meeting to share experiences of young people who are growing their projects.

The round table will consist of:

· Marta Rodríguez, CEO of the startup of labour equality BlindStairs

· Francesc Font, Co-Founder & Co-CEO from Incapto Coffee

· Mar Alarcon, promoter and Co-Founder of Therap. me, for mental health and former promoter of SocialCar.

· Moderate: Manel Manchón, Journalist and Deputy Director of Metropoli Abierta

At the end of the event, a networking space will be offered.

You can confirm attendance through this form.