From the foundation Fundació BCN Formació Profesional, we have co-organized with Barcelona Activa a sectorial and networking Day about electric vehicles, for the 19th October 2022, at the Sala Emprèn of Barcelona Activa.

A day in the key of occupation which allowed to present tendencies, skills and professional profiles which are needed by the companies linked to the electric vehicle and sustainable mobility.

The framework presentation to learn about the occupation creating tendencies was hold by Mr. Agustí Chico, director of singular projects and Transversial laboratories of Eurecat.

It was completed with occupation data and indicators by Ms. Àngels Santigosa, head of the department of Economy Management, Resources and Economic Promotion Studies of the Barcelona City Council, and by Ms. Ana Vicente, technician of the observatory of the foundation Fundació BCN Formació Profesional, who presented the profiles and training required for working in this sector.

A round table with companies provided their vision on the professional profiles which are required and valuable in the moment of contact and what recruitment channels they use.

EVARMXavier Ribas, CEO-director executiu
SABWAYFrancesc Alonso Mollà, CEO&Innovation Manager
Gremio de Instalaciones de BarcelonaAlbert Morales, assessor tècnic

The conference concluded in a networking space between the public and participating companies.

A group of many FP teachers and students of Automotive Cycles and the new course about Specializing Hybrid and Electric Vehicles Maintenance joined.

The foundation FP plays a fundamental role in training the future electic mobility professionals.