During the Saló de l’Ocupació and BizBarcelona, the BCN FP Foundation has highlighted with the presentation of the study “Sustainable Construction in a key of VET”. This study highlights how digitalization and sustainability are transforming the construction sector, requiring new professional profiles. 

In the round table moderated by Ángel Tarrino, with the participation of Laura Borroso (Barcelona School of Labour), Edu (Bioconstruction Guild) and Carol Beuter (Provensan Institute), bioconstruction, recycling and new trades were discussed.  

The study “Young population aged 16 to 24 unemployed without post-compulsory studies” was also analyzed and how Vocational Training can offer solutions for this group. 

At BizBarcelona, a session was held on Entrepreneurial Talent in VET with the presentation of the project table for Ester Pujol. Next, Jèssica Canalda, from the innovation and business area of the Foundation, framed the projects that would be presented from VET centers. The experience table was attended by I. Romero and P. S’nchez, from Institut Provensana with Blue Containers Project, and Figueredo, M.A. López and L. del Castillo, from Institut Esteve Terradas with the VR Museum of Tintin in Catalan.