The BCN FP Foundation, together with Barcelona Activa, participated on March 20 and 21 in the REBUILD Expo & Congress in Madrid, the benchmark event for industrialized construction, digitalization, and sustainability.
On Thursday 21st, the Talent Marketplace took place in the Auditorium of Pavilion 7 where seven talks were held to address the new professional profiles of the sector and the necessary talent, as well as to present the new EyOCnet teaching network, the new VET law, innovative projects, and strategies and training.
Intervening in the different tables centers of VET Barcelona (Escola del Treball) and AMB (Institut Provençana), Fundació BCN FP and Barcelona Activa, where the results of the study Sustainable Construction in terms of VET promoted by Barcelona Activa are presented.
Rebuild students from these centers also visit, who can take technological and teaching tours of EADS La Llotja in Barcelona and the Miquel Martí i Pol Institute in Cornellà de Llobregat.
The transformation of the building needs to have qualified professionals, and new training that the initial and occupational VET will have to adopt to respond to Construction 4.0.