During May and June, two training stays were carried out in Estonia and Germany thanks to the Erasmus programs coordinated by the BCN Vocational Training Foundation.

First, 20 members of the management teams of vocational training centers in Barcelona and its metropolitan area have spent a stay in the city of Tartu to know first-hand how one of the professional training centers of European excellence is managed and organized, such as the Tartu Rakenduslik Kolledž VOCO (https://voco.ee/). 

Anmateix, the delegation of vocational training centers was also received by the deputy mayor of Tartu, by the companies Toyota and A. Le Coq Brewery, and by the professional training center specialized in health Tartu Health Care College (https://www.nooruse.ee/en/). Finally, the delegation was also able to visit the organization of Tartu as the capital of European culture in 2024 (https://tartu2024.ee/en/).

Secondly, 15 members of training centers in the field of intelligent and advanced industry were able to carry out a training stay in Hanover coordinated by the Industrie- und Handelskammer – IHK Hannover (Cambra de Comerç de Hannover) to know how industrial professional training is adapting to changes in the sector and how Germany tries to attract talent to professionalizing industrial studies. 

During the stay, the Befrufsbilden Industrial Vocational Training Centre was visited by Schulen Neustadt a. Rbge. (https://www.bbs-nrue.de/) and the electronic and industrial production companies Clarios (https://www.clarios.com/es) and Sennheiser (https://www.sennheiser.com/es-mx). Finally, the delegation was able to visit the Ideen Expo (https://www.ideenexpo.de/),

one of the European events of reference in the capture and promotion of industrial vocations in Europe. 

It should be noted that more than 30 centers were able to participate in the training stays: Institute of Audiovisual Media EMAV, Food Institute of Barcelona, Institut Escola d’Hoteleria i Turisme de Barcelona, Institut Pedraforca, Escola Massana, Centre d’Art i Disseny, Fundació Sagrat Cor Sarrià, Institut Joan Brossa, Institut Escola del Treball, Institut Salvador Seguí, Institució Cultural del CIC – Fundació Privada, Institut Francesc Ferrer i Guàrdia Badalona, Institut Alexandre Mussa.