On Wednesday, November 29th, 2023, the BCN VET Foundation participated in the MICROELECTRONICS, ENERGY, WOMEN, STEAM, VET AND EMPLOYABILITY Conference, which was the first joint event of ECoVEM with SECOVE in Bilbao. The conference was organized by the GAIA ANCCP Cluster, in collaboration with Politeknika Txorierri UPV/EHU, Merytronic, AI4VET4AI, ZIV Educación-Universidad Nacional.

High school students and teachers attended the conference to learn about European projects, initiatives, and good practices aimed at attracting girls to STEAM. Two industrial companies, ZIV and Merytronic, led by women, showcased how attractive STEAM studies could be, especially in the field of microelectronics and energy. They also highlighted how choosing VET could become a successful and promising option for students.