Today, the “Entrepreneurship Night” 2023 took place, celebrating the 14th edition of the FPempren Awards and the 5th edition of the FPconsolida. It has been a night full of recognition and inspiration for young entrepreneurs in vocational training. The event, organised by the BCN FP Foundation with the support of the Barcelona City Council and the Barcelona Metropolitan Area, has featured prominent representatives of the field and personalities of the education and entrepreneurship world.

The inauguration ceremony started with Sara Berbel, president of the BCN Vocational and Education Training Foundation, Fabian Mohedano, executive president of the Professional Qualification and Training Agency of Catalonia, María Truñó, Education Commissioner of Barcelona City Council, and Montse Ballarín, vice president of the Barcelona Metropolitan Area.

During the event, two witnesses of entrepreneurship success have been presented: the experience of Marc Almeda, founder and CEO of WePrefereat, and the experience of the Provençana Institute of L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, by Paco Sánchez, who has presented the nursery of companies that they developed on the centre itself. For this initiative, Marta Carrió, president of Netmentora Catalunya, and Anna Simó, Minister of Education of the Government of Catalonia, have presented the fifth FPConsolida Award to the Institut Provençana.

The awards were presented with 10 awards categories, according to the best-targeted project in terms of its coherence, feasibility, consistency and the added value that it brings to the sector in particular. The award centers of this 14th edition have been:

1.Energy and Environment Award

CFGM – La Salle Barceloneta- Barcelona

Marc Galofré, Sami Bouazzaten, Beatriz Díaz and Ulises Aitor

Tutored by Núria Funollet

CFGS – Institut FP Sant Cugat

Fàtima Tachrift, Mojie Lin, Paula Mónica López and Zumar Zulfiqar

Tutored by Olga Oliver

2. Health and Care of People Award

CFGM – Escola Solc Nou Barcelona

Silvia Enríquez, Ikram El Abbassi, Raissa Nicole Chávez and Laura Vico

Tutored by Neus Boncompte and Cristina Moll 

CFGS – Escola Pia Nostra Senyora-Barcelona

Nerea Galán, Meritxell Guerrero, Helena Iglesias, Eduard Salvadó and Martina Villar

Tutored by Marc Rodríguez.

3. Oci and Welfare Award

CFGS – Escola d’Hoteleria i Turisme CETT-Barcelona

Marta Ferrer, Jiasheng Fang, Arnau Jordà, Qi Wang and Jingyu Li 

Tutored by Sylvia Puigdemasa

4. Education and Culture Award

CFGM – La Salle Barceloneta-Barcelona

Camilo Botero and Africa Camprubi

Tutored by Núria Funollet

CFGS – Institut Salvador Seguí-Barcelona

Nerea Quixal, Carlota Nin, María González and Claudia Rodríguez 

Tutored by Elena Mayordomo

5. Intelligent Manufacturing and Digital Transformation Award

CFGS – CEIR ARCO Villarroel-Barcelona

Alba Edo and Sara Roso 

Tutored by Sarai López

6. Social and Solidarity Economy Award

CFGM – Institut Bernat el Ferrer Molins de Rei

Alejandro Taxonera, Sergio Ausach and Ignacio Estévez

Tutored by Mª José Medina

CFGS – Institut Pedraforca Hospitalet de Llobregat

Irene Ramírez, Rafael Borreguero and Joan Vigo

Tutored by Roger Romero

CFGS – Institut Esteve Terradas i Illa Cornellà de Llobregat

Propelled by the students of the upper degree cycles of Administration and Finance and Assistance to the Management

tutors Rafael Segura, Carla Bertolin and Gerard Garcia and the director of the center Olga Quesada.

7. Secondary Award to best commercial proposal

Institut Bernat el Ferrer Molins de Rei

Fabian Doizi and Rubén Jordán

Tutored by Mª José Medina

8. FPempren Prize for Women’s Talent

CFGM – Centre López Vicuña Barcelona

Núria Oliveras, Melisa García and Blanca Camuñas

Tutored by Montse Piera

CFGS – Escola de Mitjans Audiovisuals EMAV-Barcelona

Marta La Parra and Júlia Llamas 

Tutored by Ona Vega

9. ICIL Award – Logistic Management

CFGS – Prat Educació- Barcelona

Pau Guiu, Irene Sierra, Ignacio Moyano and Abdelaziz Hachi

Tutored by Albert Baile

10. Entrepreneur Award

CFGM – Institut El Palau de Sant Andreu de la Barca

Judith Ramos

Tutored by Francesc Roca

CFGS – Escola Pia Nostra Senyora- Barcelona

Núria Anguera, Oriol Garcia, Alejandro Mora and Laura Ruiz 

Tutored by Aina Surroca

CFGS – Escola Santíssima Trinitat Barcelona

Carlos Jané, Carlos Hernández and Marian Taouil 

Tutored by Julio Llorente

Eventually, the event was closed by Anna Simó, Minister of Education of the Government of Catalonia, thanking all participants and parties involved for their collaboration in this “Entrepreneurship Night” 2023.

The BCN Vocational and Education Training Foundation is committed to promoting entrepreneurial skills between the VET students through this public display, recognizing the best entrepreneurial VET projects in Barcelona and AMB.